
Charlie's fork of hunyboy's template to run a Jekyll site served on Nginx using Docker build.

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Dockerized Jekyll And Nginx

  • A template to run a Jekyll site served on Nginx using Docker build.

The original owner, hunyboy, is Joel Capillo.

Creating A New Jekyll Blog

  1. Ensure Docker is installed on your computer/server.

  2. Open a terminal and cd to the root of this folder.

  3. Execute:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-create.yml run jekyllcreate jekyll new web

The above is also in elf-compose.sh The command will initiate a new Jekyll site inside the folder named "web".

  1. Build and run the new shiny Jekyll site. Execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build; docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down Once the build is complete, site is now accessible at localhost and served thru Nginx container. Any changes on your files are being watched.

Running An Existing Jekyll Blog

  1. Ensure Docker is installed on your computer/server.
  2. Inside the root of this folder, copy the folder ( including all existing files ) of your old Jekyll blog and rename it to web. ( Note: You can name the folder to your liking but you'll need to re-adjust the commands on yaml files ).
  3. If you need some specific gems, you can take a look and modify the Dockerfile. Also, you might want to adjust the paths on your existing _config.yml file.
  4. Open a terminal and cd to the root of this folder.
  5. Execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build; docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down. The command will build your old Jekyll site and serve thru nginx container. It should be now available at localhost and all changes on your files are being watched.

Deployment To Production

  • ssh to your host server and follow one of the directions above ( depending on your needs ).
  • Git clone this repo on your host server.
  • To test your installation, execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build; docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml down
  • Once everything is good and ready to go live - docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build --detach

jekyll set up

#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev
echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
gem install jekyll bundler
mkdir Source && cd Source/
jekyll new myblog
cd myblog/
bundle add webrick
bundle exec jekyll build
cd _site

Bonus History

    1  curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-jsobjects
    2  sudo snap install curl  # version 8.0.1
    3  curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-jsobjects
    4  ll
    5  curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-jsobjects > getj
    6  ll
    7  chmod +x getj
    8  ./getj 
    9  sudo apt get git
   10  sudo apt i git
   11  man apt
   12  sudo apt install git
   13  ./getj 
   14  source ~/.bashrc
   15  gd
   16  curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-repos > get-repos
   17  chmod +x get-repos 
   18  ./get-repos 
   19  exit
   20  curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/ssh-setup > ssh-setup
   21  chmod +x ssh-setup
   22  ./ssh-setup
   23  ll
   24  cat ./ssh-setup 
   25  cd .ssh/
   26  unzip ~/Downloads/config.zip .
   27  unzip ~/Downloads/config.zip 
   28  unzip config.zip 
   29  unzip aws-config.zip 
   30  unzip Home-2019-10-27.zip 
   31  ll
   32  chmod 600 Home-2019-10-27
   33  unzip ~/Downloads/AwsKeys.zip 
   34  chmod 600 ElfWest.pem 
   35  ll
   36  rm *.zip
   37  rm Prog272_AtSchool.pem 
   38  rm aws-config.*
   39  ll
   40  cat ~/ssh-setup 
   41  cat ~/.ssh/Home-2019-10-27.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
   42  cat authorized_keys 
   43  history
   44  curl https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B25UTAlOfPRGaTExcGRmajc0S0k/view?usp=share_link&resourcekey=0-7ntcjR8P506iZ60XJ7Ko-g > foo
   45  ll
   46  rm foo 
   47  ll
   48  mkdir tmp
   49  cd tmp/
   50  unzip ~/Downloads/AwsConfigAll.zip 
   51  mv Home-2023-04-18* ../.
   52  cd1
   53  ll
   54  rm -r tmp/
   55  cp Home-2023-04-18.pub >> authorized_keys 
   56  cat ~/ssh-setup 
   57  cat Home-2023-04-18.pub >> authorized_keys 
   58  cat authorized_keys 
   59  exit
   60  ll
   61  gd
   62  ll
   63  cat get-repos 
   64  ./get-repos 
   65  ll
   66  cd elven-web/
   67  code .
   68  sudo snap install code
   69  sudo apt install ~/Downloads/code_1.77.3-1681292746_amd64.deb 
   70  df -h
   71  sudo chown -Rv _apt:root /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/
   72  sudo chmod -Rv 700 /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/
   73  sudo apt install ~/Downloads/code_1.77.3-1681292746_amd64.deb 
   74  sudo apt autoremove 
   75  exit
   76  df -h
   77  sudo cfdisk
   78  parted
   79  sudo parted
   80  ls /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
   81  sudo ls /dev
   82  gparted
   83  sudo apt install gparted
   84  gparted
   85  exit
   86  df -h
   87  history
   88  git clone git@github.com:charliecalvert/charliecalvert.github.io.git
   89  gossh
   90  ssh-keygen -p -f Home-2019-10-27
   91  ll
   92  nano config 
   93  gossh
   94  ll
   95  nano config
   96  ll
   97  cat config.save 
   98  rm config.save 
   99  nano config
  100  git clone git@github.com:hunyoboy/dockerized-jekyll-nginx.git
  101  cd dockerized-jekyll-nginx/
  102  docker-compose -f docker-compose-create.yml
  103  sudo snap install docker
  104  sudo apt  install docker-compose
  105  history