
A C# Xamarin Binding for Occipital's Structure Sensor.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Structure Wrapper

Structure Wrapper is a C# Xamarin Wrapper for Occipital's Structure Sensor SDK.


This binding was developed for SDK 0.7.1 and is still very much a work in progress. I have been able to get a sample functioning (sans camera) but have not had the time to finish porting their sample scanner.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Download the latest Structure SDK here
  3. Unzip the .zip file, and navigate to ../[unzipped_folder]/Structure SDK/Frameworks/Structure.framework/Versions/A/
  4. Rename Structure to Structure.a
  5. Copy Structure.a to the base directory of your cloned repo
  6. Open StructureWrapper.sln and build!

Things that aren't working

I haven't been able to get the key strings working yet. In the meantime, you can use the key name as a string by removing the 'k' from the front of the key name and the "Key" from the end of the key name (kSTDepthToRgbaStrategyKey becomes "STDepthToRgbaStrategy").

Here's an example from my test app:

var options = new NSDictionary(
    "STStreamConfig", (NSNumber)(int)STStreamConfig.STStreamConfigDepth320x240, 
    "STFrameSyncConfig", (NSNumber)(int)STFrameSyncConfig.STFrameSyncOff, 
    "STHoleFilterEnabled", NSObject.FromObject(true)


Because this project is still very much a work in progress, I haven't been able to test the functionality of all methods and some may not function/function as expected/contain all methods/return the proper type. If you come across some unexpected functionality, please raise an issue or - better yet - tackle it yourself in a Pull Request.