InLine - never wait in line again


The idea of this web app is to digitize all types of physical queues, including the lines at airports, hospitals and banks. Why waste your precious time with waiting in a physical line, when you can let a digital avatar do the waiting for you?

InLine does just that - it allows organizations to create virtual lines that their clients can let their avatars participate in, thus enabling them to spend their waiting time as they wish. They can also see the estimated time left to their turn, get directions to the line's location and chat with the admins of the line.

Development details

  • MVC web app built with Ruby on Rails
  • System architecture with 40+ routes
  • Database schema with 8 models and 9 controllers
  • Object-relational mapping with ActiveRecord and PostgreSQL
  • User authentication with Devise and Auth0
  • User authorization with Pundit
  • APIs integrated: Facebook, Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Places API
  • Image uploading with CarrierWave and Cloudinary
  • Real-time chat with ActionCable, ActiveJob and Redis
  • Front-end design with Sketch
  • Animations with JavaScript and jQuery
  • Mobile-responsiveness with Bootstrap and FlexBox
  • Domain registered with Gandi
  • Deployed with Heroku

Production links