
Container for Travis-cli

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Travis-cli from a container


Two volumes /data and /root/.travis are defined.

The /data is where the Docker HOST (your machine) shouldprobably be mapped - this would have any scripts, data, etc. that is needed.

NOTE: this is essentially your project directory AND the git repo

The /root/.travis is where any of Travis configuration options are store or end up...


From your home path, first we'll make some local directory and run a task

mkdir mywork
cd mywork

macOS and Linux

This will use or create the .travis folder in your profile path.

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/data -v $HOME/.travis:/root/.travis cicorias/travis-cli login


This example creates a separate folder for the .travis profile infomration

WARNING: this directory contains secrets / tokens and should never be shared and should have proper ACLs to prevent others from reading

docker run -it --rm -v C:\g\containers\travis-cli\travis:/root/.travis -v C:\g\containers\travis-cli\:/data cicorias/travis-cli login

PowerShell (Windows for now)

This does the same as above, but uses PowerShell's ${PWD} for the absolute path of the current working directory in the shell.

WARNING: this directory contains secrets / tokens and should never be shared and should have proper ACLs to prevent others from reading

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/travis:/root/.travis -v ${PWD}:/data cicorias/travis-cli login

Verify Login persists

Since the docker run command used the --rm parameter, the container is removed after stopping. This makes the container itself stateless. All state needed should be saved to /data which is mapped to the host if the -v paramemter is passed properly. Same for the .travis volumne

Now, run a command whomai to see the logged on information

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/travis:/root/.travis -v ${PWD}:/data cicorias/travis-cli whoami

For me my output was:

C:\travis-cli [master ≡ +1 ~1 -0 !]> docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}\travis:/root/.travis -v ${PWD}\data:/data cicorias/travis-cli whoami
You are cicorias (Shawn Cicoria)