
An AdLDAP Helper Package for Larvel 4/5

Primary LanguagePHP


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An AdLDAP Helper Package for Larvel 4/5

##Installation Add Corp to your composer.json file.

"stevebauman/corp": "1.*"

Then run "composer update" on your project source.

Add the service provider in "app/config/app.php"


Add the alias

'Corp'		=> 'Stevebauman\Corp\Facades\Corp',

Publish the config file

php artisan config:publish stevebauman/corp


####Accessing AdLDAP object

You can access all adldap functions by using:



Corp::adldap()->user()->modify('admin', array('telephone'=>'555 555-5555'));

All functions available here.

####Change User Password through standard AdLDAP (SSL or TLS required, must enable in package config file) Corp::adldap()->user()->password('username', 'password123');

####Change User Password through COM (Windows and COM ext required) Corp::com()->user()->password('username', 'password123'); //Returns boolean

####Activate a User through COM Corp::com()->user()->activate('username'); //Returns boolean

####Authenticate an LDAP User

Corp::auth('username', 'password'); // Returns true/false (boolean)

####Get user information

$user = Corp::user('username'); // Returns a user object

echo $user->username;

echo $user->name;

echo $user->email

echo $user->group;

echo $user->type;

print_r($user->dn); // Returns distinguished name array

####Get an entire user list

$users = Corp::users(); // Returns a laravel collection of user objects of all users on current ldap connection

//Usage for laravel select
Form::select('users', $users->lists('username', 'name'));

####Get a computer's information

$computer = Corp::computer('computer name'); // Returns a computer object

echo $computer->name;

echo $computer->os->name; // ex. Windows 7 Professional
echo $computer->os->version; // ex. 6.1 (7601)
echo $computer->os->service_pack; // ex. Service Pack 1

echo $computer->type;

echo $computer->group;

echo $computer->host_name;


####Get a list of all computers

$computers = Corp::computers();

//Usage for laravel select
Form::select('computers', $computers->lists('name', 'name'));

####Get a list of printers

$printers = Corp::printers();

//Usage for laravel select
Form::select('printers', $printers->lists('name', 'name'));

####Authenticating with laravel's Auth driver but using LDAP

if (Corp::auth($username, $password)) { //If Passes LDAP Auth

        if(!User::where('username', '=', $username)->first()){ // If web user profile does not exist, create one
                        $corpUser = Corp::user($username);

                        $user = new User;
                        $user->username = $username;
                        $user->email = $corpUser->email;
                        $user->fullname = $corpUser->name;
                        $user->password = Hash::make($password);

        } else{ // If web profile does exist, update the password incase of update on active directory
                $user = User::where('username', '=', $username)->first();
                $user->password = Hash::make($password);

        if(Auth::attempt(array('username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password))){ //If successfully logs in
                return Redirect::route('dashboard.index')
                        ->with('message', sprintf('Welcome %s. You are now logged in.', Auth::user()->fullname))
                        ->with('color', 'success');
} else{
        return Redirect::route('auth.index')
                ->with('message', 'Your email/password combination was incorrect')
                ->with('color', 'danger')