
This is a Node.js CLI with 3 API integrations: Spotify, OMDB, BandsInTown simultaneously working together based off user command line interactions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is Liri. She is a functional application that takes in command line arguments and returns information based on your request.

Liri returns information regarding concerts, movies, and songs from Spotify.

Steps: The user decides if he or she would like to learn more about current concerts, past & present movies, or songs from Spotify.

The user must use the following commands in the terminal:
    * The first argument must be 'node.'
    * The second argument must be 'liri.js'.
    * Depending on the user's choice, the third command line argument will be one of these choices below. 
        * 'concert-this'
        * 'movie-this'
        * 'spotify-this-song'
        * 'do-what-it-says' (This will return the Spotify 
        song in the random.txt file within the application). Do not enter a fourth command if this option is chosen.
    * The fourth command line argument is optional. If the user chooses to omit it, a random Spotify song or movie will return, as chosen by the developer. If the user chooses to search for a concert but omits this argument, a specific message will appear.

The following information is displayed based on the user's third command line preference:
    * concert-this returns: 
        * Artist's name
        * Name of the venue for their next concet
        * Venue's location
        * Venue's state & city
        * Date of the event
    * spotify-this-song returns: 
        * Artist's name
        * Song name
        * A link to the song on Spotify's website
        * Album name
    * movie-this returns:
        * Title of the movie
        * IMDB rating
        * Rotten Tomatoes rating
        * Country where the movie was produced
        * Languages of the movie
        * Plot of the movie
        * Actors in the movie

Enjoy Liri! She's a smart one.