
A React webapp for writing daily todo tasks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The aim of this project is to create a web application in which daily tasks can be entered, edited, removed and checked off once completed.

By creating this application, I will be practicing and learning more about React and testing the front end experience using Jest/Reacts testing library. I've intentionally not followed any tutorials as I am learning React with the official documentation, alongside the MDN and Jest documentation as I believe this is the best way to build a thorough understanding.


Learning objectives and skills exercised:

  • Using Jest to create unit tests per components.
  • Using Jest to create feature tests when testing the App component.
  • Using Jest to test localstorage.
  • Using LocalStorage to enable Todo items to persist across sessions.
  • Setting state using hooks and lifting state up. (Setting a Todo item and passing it to the list.)
  • Using uuid to create unique keys per Todo item.
  • Using the spread operator to populate an array.
  • Creating a pleasing front end experience for clarity of the day ahead.

UI Plan

Daily-Todo-React (2)

User Stories

As a Maker,
I would like to create a list of my daily todo tasks.

As a Maker,
I would like to able to edit a todo item if it changes for any reason.

As a Maker,
So that I can track what I've completed, I'd like to be able to check off my todo items.

As a Maker,
I would like to delete a todo item if I no longer need to complete that task.

As a Maker, 
So that I can quickly delete my list of todos, I would like to be able to clear the list. 

As a Maker,
So that I can return to my todo list later, I would like my list to persist across sessions.


Clone this repo to your local machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/charlierdm/Daily-Todo-React.git

In the folder you've cloned Chitter into, run the following:

$ npm install

Run the following to start the server and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser:

$ npm start

To run the tests, enter the following:

$ npm test