
This is my solution for a process review I took part in. Using TDD principles, I developed the required feature in a given time. I wrote my solution in JavaScript and used Jest to create my tests.



Mega soft weird: a company that develops a word processor

  • The feature that needs building today is a spell checker

  • It will accept a string of space seperated words and highlight words that have been mispelt. For example: "tme", ["time"] => "tme"

  • As a second parameter, it will accept the correctly spelt word in lower case.

Input / Output Examples

Input Output
"time", ["time"] "time"
"tme", ["time"] "tme"
"cta", ["cat"] "cta"
"Hand", ["hand"] "Hand"
"haNd", ["hand"] "haNd"
"the clock", ["the", "clock"] "the clock"
"teh clock", ["the", "clock"] "teh clock"
"teh clokc", ["the", "clock"] "teh clokc"
Edge Cases
"" Throw Error - "No words found."