
This library provides the graphics and audio capabilities of Gibber without the code editing environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This library provides the graphics and audio capabilities of Gibber without the code editing environment.

Building (for development)

You can simply download the repo and skip straight to the usage section if you don't need to modify the library. If you want to modify gibber.lib, here's how to build it:

  1. If you don't have it, install npm (the node.js package manager) from http://npmjs.org
  2. Inside the top level of the repo, run npm install in the terminal.
  3. Run gulp. This is a build module that is installed in step 2.

The build outputs a UMD file, gibber.lib.js, and a minified version.


The library can be used with plain script tags, CommonJS or AMD style includes. Below is an example HTML file that plays a simple drum beat, bass line, and random melody.


  <script src='build/gibber.lib.js'></script>


Gibber.init() // REQUIRED

a = EDrums('x*ox*xo-') // make a drum beat
a.snare.snappy = 1     // set the noise level in the snare

a.fx.add( Reverb() )   // add reverb to drums

b = TorusKnot({ scale:2 }).spin(.001) // create a knot geometry

c = Dots() // add a halftone shader effect
c.scale = Master.Out // scale of dots tracks master audio output


If you want to use CommonJS (node or browserify), just use the following to start things off (assuming you have the module installed):

Gibber = require( 'gibber.lib' )


Note that Drums do not work because I haven't figured out resource management yet and Drums uses audio samples. However, EDrums (which uses synthesis) works fine.