Getting and Cleaning Data

The file run_analysis.R, when sourced, will provide three interesting data frames and a command to write the tidy version of the data to disk. Note that this script assumes that the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset is located in the dataset directory at the same level as this file, though that dataset is not included in this repository (it is simply too large and it is readily accessible online).

gacd.rawData stores the complete raw data from the 'Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset'. That frame has a column for each reading in the datasets plus columns for userId and activityId. It has rows for each reading in the test and train datasets. is a cleaned-up subset of that data. The differences are (a) that this version uses descriptive variable names for the columns, (b) this version contains an activityName column with a descriptive activity name, and (c) this only contains measurement columns that deal with standard deviation or mean.

gacd.tidyData is an even further cleaned version of this data. It is ordered by userId and activityName, and it has one row per userId/activityName pair. It has a column for each of the mean and standard deviation columns in, where the value for that column is the average measurement (of that value) for the userId/activityName pair.

gacd.writeToTxt gives you a simple wrapper command to write any of these datasets to a space-delimited file.