#Kotlin notes by theam.


This notes are taken in order to serve as a study guide for Kotlin to theam developers

Online resources

##Main features

  • More expresive than Java
  • Null Safe (No more fails safe conditions in our code, No more NullPointerException)
  • Functional (Uses many concepts of a functional language)
  • You can create extension functions to extend any class
  • It's highly interoperable, you can use your favourite Java Libraries
  • Inmutability (val/var keywords)

###Some examples

Sample definition of a POJO in Kotlin

	data class Artist(
		var id: Long, 
		var name: String,
		var url: String, 
		var mbid: String) 	

data keyword provides toString, equals, hashCode and copy by default

Getters and setters

	public class Person {
		var name: String = ""
			// We'll need to use field reserved word
			// inside property accesors
			get() = field.toUpperCase()
			set(value) {
				field = "Name: $value"


The following code will not compile

var name: String
name = null

Instead will need to use ? after type declaration to indicates that a value could be null

var name: String?
name = null

In Java we have tons of code like this (let's supposed we've an artist object and we want to print his info):

if (artist != null) {
	return artist.print()

We could rewrite the above code removing the condition and using a safe method call using ?

return artist?.print()

Extension functions

Fo exmaple let's extend our Context in Android to provided a nice Toastmessage to our Activities, Fragments or whatever

fun Context.toast(message:CharSequence, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SORT) {
	Toast.makeText(this, message, duration).show()

Then in our activities we can call this method directly

toast("Hello World!")
toast("Hello World!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

##Kotlin and Android