
analysis of stops by the DC Metropolitan Police Department from January to June 2020

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MPD Stops 2020

Data Source: MPD Stop Data, January 1-June 30, 2020


  • 75% of the people stopped by MPD were Black.
  • 87.1% of the youth stopped by MPD were Black.
  • Black people who were stopped were more likely to have a non-ticket stop (48.2% non-ticket stop, 48.7% ticket only) - evidence of racial profiling? White and Asian people who were stopped were more likely to actually get a ticket (86% of Asian people stopped and 78% of white people stopped got tickets).
Asian Black Hispanic Multiple Other Unknown White
Harbor 0.27 0.03 0.64 0.00 14.58 0.00 1.50
Non-ticket Stop 12.03 48.26 39.54 10.14 31.25 70.38 19.25
Ticket and Non-ticket Stop 1.07 3.00 1.93 1.45 0.00 2.78 0.95
Ticket Only 86.63 48.70 57.89 88.41 54.17 26.84 78.30
  • Race demographics of stops vary significantly by police district.

race fig

  • Person search or protective pat down 17% of Black people but 3.2% of white people