
This respository contains all the source code which I did while learning Flutter. Flutter is a new UI Framework, written on Dart for mobile, web and other applications. Flutter Mobile UI Framework supports both iOS and Android natively, thus allowing developers like me to write and maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android application.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Learn Flutter

Awesome Flutter

This respository contains all the source code which I did while learning Flutter. Flutter is a new UI Framework, written on Dart for mobile, web and other applications. Flutter Mobile UI Framework supports both iOS and Android natively, thus allowing developers like me to write and maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android application.

Table of Content.

Hello Flutter

Dive deep into the flutter mobile UI framework by writing the first set of code on Intellj IDE, (or,) VS Code (or) Android Studio.


Hello Flutter

Layout and Container

Easy layout wth container, column and rows.


Layout and Container

Scaffold App

A theme based mobile approach to write beautiful mobile apps.



Gesture Detector Widget

Everything is a widget, lets create one!


Gesture Detector

Stateful Widget

Make It Rain app uses stateful widget to update the UI.


Make It Rain

Login Form

Login form helps you understand the hierarchy of the widget layout in Flutter.


Login Form

Weight On Planet X

Weight On Planet X is an application which uses radio button to calculate your weight on different planets.


Weight On Planet X

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator is an application which uses sliders to calculate your BMI.


BMI Calculator

JSON Parsing

An app for introduction to JSON Parsing.


JSON Parsing

EarthQuake App

An app for display recent earthquakes occurred across the planet Earth.



Navigation Introduction

Introduction to navigation and router in Flutter, how to pass values between screens.


Navigation Introduction

Weather App

Weather App which uses OpenWeatherMap API to display weather of different places.

API Key has been deleted (Use your own API Key).


Weather App

To contribute

Feel free to fork and contribute to the project. You can also star if you this repository help you learn concepts in Flutter.


Aashish Tamsya