
Two categories UIColor and UIImage, one help to convert color, the other help to find the white point coordinate in an image and read RGB value.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


UIColor+convertAddition.h, UIColor+convertAddition.m, UIImage+pixelsAdditions.h, UIImage+pixelsAdditions.m to you project.

then add this to your class:
#import "UIImage+pixelsAdditions.h"
#import "UIColor+convertAddition.h"

UIColor addition provide conversion a color to the following:

 UIColor to HSB
 \result Hue        ... 0 to 360
 \result Saturation ... 0 to 1
 \result Brightness ... 0 to 1

 \see http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-tool-desaturate.html
 \result grayLightness  ... 0 to 1
 \result grayAverage    ... 0 to 1
 \result grayLuminosity ... 0 to 1
 \result red        ... 0 to 1
 \result green      ... 0 to 1
 \result blue       ... 0 to 1
 \result alpha      ... 0 to 1

 UIColor to CMYK
 \result cyan        ... 0 to 100
 \result magenta     ... 0 to 100
 \result yellow      ... 0 to 100
 \result black       ... 0 to 100

 \brief Return the CIE xyz as property
 \result x          ... 0 to 1
 \result y          ... 0 to 1
 \result z          ... 0 to 1

 \brief Return the CIE Lab property 
 .... It is buggy and the value don't seems right!!!
 \result L          ... 0 to 100
 \result a          ... -xxx to +xxx
 \result b          ... -xxx to +xxx

\brief Return the CIE Lab property (hunter version base on D65)
 .... It is buggy and the value don't seems right!!!
 \result L          ... 0 to 100
 \result a          ... -xxx to +xxx
 \result b          ... -xxx to +xxx

UIImage addition:

- (CGPoint)whitePoint;
Find the white point coordinate, CGPoint of an image. 

Get an UIColor of a point in an image

Previous non issue seems to haev been corrected:
(CIE Lab doesn't seems to be accurate. I welcome any person who could help with this.)

