- 2
- 2
background color queries are being printed out
#350 opened by caarlos0 - 2
localhost host doesn't resolve
#338 opened by HalanoSiblee - 2
Auth is handled before the ratelimiter middleware
#325 opened by shaunco - 1
New release needed to fix linux build
#328 opened by shaunco - 1
- 2
wish.Command() : bash script is displayed in the server console, not the client console.
#303 opened by Buanderie - 2
Capture output for wish.Command
#291 opened by robinovitch61 - 2
huh? middleware?
#236 opened by caarlos0 - 10
- 4
Reverse tunnel example problem?
#242 opened by torntrousers - 0
pty + bubbletea on windows
#232 opened by caarlos0 - 1
wish-exec has issues starting a bash shell (outputs to server stdout | error `Inappropriate ioctl for device`)
#228 opened by ghthor - 1
scp windows
#207 opened by dezren39 - 7
Scp example requires -O flag with openssh 9.0
#40 opened by neurosnap - 20
Bubbletea ExecProcess within a wish session
#196 opened by robinovitch61 - 6
- 2
- 2
scp limited fs
#221 opened by dezren39 - 1
ratelimiter how does it work?
#220 opened by dezren39 - 1
SSH Reverse Tunnel?
#191 opened by torntrousers - 1
banner instead of comment?
#205 opened by dezren39 - 5
- 1
#208 opened by dezren39 - 4
Support for links?
#148 opened by tartavull - 2
Is open source?
#142 opened by tartavull - 3
document technical details of how Wish works
#42 opened by bashbunni - 1
cover what we're blocking already
#98 opened by caarlos0 - 0
how we're using SSH with wishBasically go over the security concerns (we're using client-side not server-side, not attaching to daemon or shell)
#97 opened by caarlos0 - 5
undefined: wish.Session
#96 opened by dvdksn - 0
refresh authorized_keys
#82 opened by caarlos0 - 4
- 3
chat application
#80 opened by tgirod - 2
- 1
Max pseudo terminal limit in linux
#53 opened by oakes - 4
access to the `tea.Program` object
#37 opened by tgirod - 1
Missing sections of the supposed API?
#52 opened by jrnxf - 1
Use go-git
#7 opened by aymanbagabas - 0
fail2ban middleware
#43 opened by caarlos0 - 2
terminal not restored properly
#16 opened by jon4hz - 2
Directory Traversal
#23 opened by devx00