- 3
Regression when setting up the environment
#84 opened by deusebio - 10
Setting up `tox` on `ubuntu-24.04` runners fails
#82 opened by jnsgruk - 2
- 1
- 1
Error while executing juju bootstrap microk8s: juju "3.3.1" can only work with strictly confined microk8s
#70 opened by bobadair - 2
- 7
Initialize microk8s: Error from server (Forbidden): is forbidden: User "me" cannot create resource "selfsubjectaccessreviews" in API group "" at the cluster scope
#51 opened by taurus-forever - 3
- 3
- 4
microk8s-channel needed.
#61 opened by hmlanigan - 0
- 0
cleanup fails on lxd
#19 opened by techalchemy - 1
- 2
Enable ingress on microk8s
#32 opened by claudiubelu - 0
Not working with strict microk8s
#42 opened by jnsgruk - 9
Setup fails on Ubuntu-22.04
#39 opened by jdkandersson - 4
The `test-sa` workaround fails with microk8s 1.24
#37 opened by sed-i - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Actions operator fails with microk8s
#14 opened by dstathis - 0
microstack as provider
#10 opened by rgildein - 0
Install `charm` and `charmcraft` snaps
#8 opened by johnsca - 1
Kubernetes model doesn't clean up
#3 opened by chris-sanders