
Different materials, based on ray tracer.

Primary LanguageC++


A customized ray tracer, provided a high-contrast, cool-tones Rembrandt style rendering. Stylistically different with traditional ray tracer!


How to Compile

Prerequisite: add freeGLUT or GLUT/OpenGL mannually.

Materials I did in this program

  • Lambert Material: Pure diffuse reflection. I use a very very low Ks and high Kd to do it. It's almost the same as which used Gouraud shading techniques (As I did in my previous one). But of course, it's more natural.

  • Metal: Under Phong's model, it's hard to get the effect as Monte Carlo Algorithm can do. So I simply lower the Kd and Ks together, and use it approach matel's dark surface.

  • Steel: Same as Metal. Set the color to a light color and using high coeffient of Kd and low for Ks then you will get it.

  • Grass: The grass's color is decided by reflection and refraction. That is essentially different from Lambert material. In Grass there is no specular color, and the coeffients of them is 1.


My most work followes An improved illumination model for shaded display, by T.Whitted.