React Lifecycle Methods

Getting Started

  • Open your command line and navigate to your repos directory (if you do not have a repos folder, then you can use mkdir repos to create one)
  • Use this template repository to start a new project in your repos folder: git clone <repo_name> cd repo_name to navigate into your new repo directory
  • Make sure to run npm install to fetch the dependencies for the project
  • Start Visual Studio Code and select 'Open Folder'. Then select repo_name to open the folder in the editor (or just type code . in your terminal inside the repo directory)
  • Follow the instructions on the file to complete exercises
  • Open the app.js file to get started


  • Here is a basic App class component rendered in the browser through index.js.
  1. Initialize state in the App class component, and define a new property called "text" with some string as the value.

  2. Add an input element to your App.

    • Use the text state to define its placeholder attribute.
  3. Create a method handleInput that takes a HTML change event as a param (e) and calls this.setState, setting the event target value as the text state

  4. Add an onChange event to the input that calls this.handleInput.

  • Notice how this changes the ReactDOM. Why might that be important?
  1. Create a method handleClick that toggles the boolean value hasLoaded in the App state
  2. Add a button beneath that input with an onClick event that calls the handleClick method
  3. Change your render method. Write a conditional statement that checks whether or not the hasLoaded property is true. If it is, return the elements that you have already define. If false, return a new heading with the text "Loading...".
  4. Add a button beneath it that is identical to the one you created earlier.
  • Save and reload the browser. Which React elements are displayed first? Do you know why?
  1. Write a new method with the name componentDidMount, that will set the state property "hasLoaded" to true.
  • Now what happens when the application re-renders? Which React elements are displayed first, and why?