
Boilerplate to kick off your react app using webpack

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Boilerplate to kick off your react app using webpack

This boilerplate makes the following available to your app at the start:


webpack_build contains pre-configured environments and composable presets.


Environments include the common (which is loaded first) and either development or production (which is loaded on top of common). There is also none in case you want to provide your customized environment.


webpack --env.mode development
webpack-dev-server --env.mode development

if --env.mode is not provided, default to environment production


Presets are bite-sized webpack configs you can apply using applyPresets in your webpack.config.js or supply --env.presets through command line

webpack --env.presets noMinimize --env.presets analyze --env.openAnalyzer 0

Available presets


Run clean-webpack-plugin to clean the output folder specified in output.path (default is build). Setting output.path using --env.output.path.


Applicable only when you use webpack-dev-server, run write-file-webpack-plugin to output the files to output.path.


Run copy-webpack-plugin to copy the static content files from the folder speficied in staticContents to the build folder specified by output.path. Those are the files which appear as links in your app instead of being imported and packed by webpack.

const DEFAULT_ENV = {
  mode: 'production',
  output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build') },
  presets: ['serveStatics'],
  staticContents: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'public')],


Use mini-css-extract-plugin to extract css to a separate file for fasting loading of bundle.js. This preset is applied for production environment.


Start the webpack-bundle-analyzer after completing the build, set --env.openAnalyzer 0 to prevent opening a new window to show bundle graph (default is true).


If you use moment-timezone in your app, you can apply this preset to replace the provided full timezone file by moment-timezone with your own customize timezone file. This preset requires argument timezonesFilepath to specify the path to your timezone file.

const DEFAULT_ENV = {
  mode: 'production',
  output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build') },
  presets: ['limitTimezones'],
  timezonesFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/data/assets/i18n/timezones.json'),


If you use moment in your app, you can apply this preset to only pack those locales your app want to support from moment/locale via command line --env.locales. If none is supplied, no locale is packed.

webpack --env.locales de --env.locales fr

You can create your own presets with naming convention webpack.nameOfPreset.js and put them inside webpack_build/presets


babel is pre-configured with 2 presets @babel/preset-env and @babel/preset-react and all the proposal from stage-0 to stage-3 (at the time of this writing) for your convenience.