
Contains images for training and testing car detector in aerial images. These images were obtained in a gazebo simulator and therefore are not photo-realistic. the model that was used was yolo v3, in particular the repository: https://github.com/AntonMu/TrainYourOwnYOLO

Gazebo World Car Dataset

Dataset containing aerial images of cars obtained in a gazebo simulation

AboutKey FeaturesGetting StartedFAQRoadmapSupportLicense


This dataset containing aerial images of cars obtained in a gazebo simulation. These images are not photo-realistic and were obtained with the goal of training simple detectors. However, the process which was followed could be replicated with more representative images and therefore approximate a real world application. For the detector, YOLO v3, the following repository was used: https://github.com/AntonMu/TrainYourOwnYOLO. The training weights are also available in this repository.

Key Features

  • Train images
  • Test images
  • Annotations
  • Training weights


The TrainYourOwnYolo repository should be followed https://github.com/AntonMu/TrainYourOwnYOLO to use the training weights. If other model/implementation is used, then

## FAQ

## Contributing

If you find this useful and would like to expand the dataset, please do so.  

## License