
📈 The fastest plotting library on the block 🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📈 libchartium 🚀

The documentation is getting ready, please check back soon!


npm add libchartium unitlib fraction.js
# or
pnpm add libchartium unitlib fraction.js
# or
bun add libchartium unitlib fraction.js

You will also need to make sure that your bundler can import WebAssembly as ES modules according to the ESM integration proposal. For Vite that means you need to add vite-plugin-wasm, for Rollup it's @rollup/plugin-wasm. In Webpack you'll have to allow asyncWebAssembly in the config.


<script lang="ts">
  import { TraceList, ChartComponent as Chart, NumericDateRepresentation } from 'libchartium';

  const from = +new Date();
	const numSteps = 10_000;
	const stepSize = 100_000;
	const to = from + numSteps * stepSize;

  const xs = Array.from(
    { length: numSteps },
    (_, index) => from + index * stepSize,

  const ys = Array.from({ length: 100 }, (_, idx) => ({
    id: `trace_${idx}`,
    data: Float32Array.from(
      xs.map((x) => 100 + 100 * Math.sin((x / (from - to)) * 2 * Math.PI + idx)),

  const traces = TraceList.fromColumns({
    x: {
      type: "f32",
      data: Float32Array.from(xs),
			unit: NumericDateRepresentation.EpochMilliseconds()
    y: {
      type: "f32",
      columns: ys,
    style: {
      "*": { "line-width": 2 },
      trace_0: { color: "red" },
<Chart {controller} {traces} />