- 4
Line Chart Shows Scribbled/Glitched Lines
#12002 opened by SalahHaciAkil - 1
- 0
- 2
Support for multiple date adapters
#12033 opened by joshkel - 0
- 0
Pictogram icon stack chart type
#12031 opened by PartialShawn - 0
Problem with tooltips, legend and zoom
#12030 opened by candelrg - 0
Splom and parallel plot
#12029 opened by mathieuleclaire - 0
- 0
drawingArea should be in type `RadialLinearScale`?
#12026 opened by natsuki-engr - 2
Cannot use type: 'time' in scales x
#12017 opened by blackat - 0
- 0
Stepped/Segmented Bar chart
#12022 opened by mrleblanc101 - 0
Feature Request: Expose cubic interpolation algorithm as utility function
#12016 opened by rhlohmeyer - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Chart type mismatch in onClick and getRelativePosition
#12011 opened by alexkiro - 0
Unexpected Opacity for Legend When clip: false is Used
#12008 opened by Jp-Aubry - 0
Seperate tooltip with stacked Axis
#12007 opened by mrleblanc101 - 0
Bug : The event listeners like onMouseLeave, onMouseEnter and onScroll aren't working as expected on tooltip plugins.
#12006 opened by saidineshbb24 - 0
TimeScaleTimeOptions requires parser
#12003 opened by rtmotiondev - 0
[BUG] ExtraEasy chart with Bar + Custom plugin extends Bar - Bars overlap & render displayed incorrect
#12001 opened by GitCatacao - 0
When using Chart.js to display data in a bar chart, there is an issue with overlapping data, especially when the datasets array contains a large number of objects. Some bars are rendered incorrectly, overlapping each other. When the dataset becomes even larger (e.g., several thousand objects), the plugin stops rendering the chart entirely, showing only an empty space or a placeholder square.
#12000 opened by WineRBK - 2
Hide fillText when I move mouse at the tooltip
#11996 opened by vsevjednom-cz - 1
Superimposed bar chart
#11998 opened by SuperPat45 - 2
onHover is not working with bar chart
#11987 opened by karthik-noveau - 0
#11989 opened by GitCatacao - 8
2.9.4: Hide fillText when I move mouse at the tooltip
#11960 opened by vsevjednom-cz - 1
Coloring individual datalabels according to their respective represented colors
#11995 opened by NawazSharifB - 2
In different contrast themes, Grids present in the "Chart/Graphs" present in the Line chart page are not properly visible in Windows.
#11994 opened by msftedad - 2
In 400% Zoom mode, the Chart/Graphs present in the screen are getting overlapped in Windows.
#11993 opened by msftedad - 3
Apply render optimizations when animation duration is 0
#11977 opened by alex-statsig - 4
[BUG] Mozilla Firefox 133 - Chart slows down indescribably when using offset = false for big data
#11990 opened by GitCatacao - 0
[ NONE ]
#11988 opened by GitCatacao - 7
- 2
Unable to set fill below Line in Line Charts
#11980 opened by taiwoteni - 0
The data line incorrectly reaching to the beyond data points when zooming
#11982 opened by ngohuytrieu - 0
Lib instantiates a new platform per chart
#11981 opened by CatchABus - 0
Stacked Bar Chart with Groups wrong order when hiding the first dataset by clicking on the legend
#11978 opened by ACEMerlin - 3
- 0
Tooltip doesn't close when mouse leaves the chart area
#11972 opened by hokolomopo - 2
Pie charts label overlapping issue
#11967 opened by vikas0vanvi - 2
- 1
Chart.js's documentation is terrible
#11963 opened by akoper - 0
Consistent Stack Border Radius for Bar Charts
#11958 opened by knolandev - 0
chart.update('none') while animations are in progress is lost
#11957 opened by kurkle - 5
Upgrade eslint to latest version
#11951 opened by benmccann - 2
- 1
Support for Bigints (on the y-axis)
#11952 opened by vbackeberg