
MITHgrid is a JavaScript framework for building data-oriented, event-driven browser applications..

What you need to use MITHgrid

MITHgrid depends on jQuery.

The following libraries and versions are included in the lib/ directory. These are the versions with which MITHgrid is developed.

  • jQuery 1.7.1

What you need to build your own MITHgrid

In order to build MITHgrid, you need to have GNU make 3.81 or later, CoffeeScript 1.1.1 or later, Node.js 0.5 or later, and git 1.7 or later. Earlier versions might work, but they have not been tested.

Mac OS users should install Xcode, either from the Mac OS install DVD or from the Apple Mac OS App Store. Node.js can be installed by one of the UNIX package managers available for the Mac OS.

Linux/BSD users should use their appropriate package managers to install make, git, and node.

How to build your own MITHgrid

First, clone a copy of the MITHgrid git repo by running git clone git://

Then, to get a complete, minified, jslinted version of MITHgrid, simple cd to the mithgrid directory and type make. If you don't have Node installed and/or want to make a basic, uncompressed, unlinted version of MITHgrid, use make mithgrid instead of make.

The built version of MITHgrid will be in the dist/ subdirectory.

To remove all built files, run make clean.

How to test MITHgrid

Once you have built MITHgrid, you can browse to the test/ subdirectory and view the *.html files. These files load the minified version of MITHgrid by default.

The test scripts have been tested against PhantomJS 1.9 and grunt 0.3.17.


MITHgrid is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license because large parts of the data management code are based on the SIMILE Exhibit project, which is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.