
Let's try something different

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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As a login screen

  1. Install lightdm as your session manager
  2. Install lightdm-webkit2-greeter
  3. Download and save this repository into your lightdm-webkit2-greeter themes directory, normally located at usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/
  4. Change your lightdm-webkit2-greeter conf file (normally located at /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf to the following:
  webkit_theme        = doto

As a chrome extension

You can use Doto as your new tab page by navigating to chrome://extensions/ and clicking Load unpacked extension.

Obtaining more cinemagraphs

There's a handy npm script which browses /r/Cinemagraphs and scrapes appropriately sized and formatted files. Just run ./download.sh in the folder directory.

Alternatively save any mp4s you like in the /assets/backgrounds directory. They are numerically indexed. In order to ensure your new file is displayed update /assets/cinematic_bg_count.js to show the new total.

Changing the news/weather sources

Edit settings.js to point to your location, units and new sources.

It is recommended you also obtain your own API keys to avoid any traffic bursts.

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