
Ollama Shell Helper (osh) : English to Unix-like Shell Commands translation using Local LLMs with Ollama

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ollama Shell Helper (osh) : English to Unix-like Shell Commands translation using Local LLMs with Ollama


How it works

The user request is passed to the ollama server along with system information from uname -a and the distribution (if running on Linux). The result is displayed in the terminal and asks for confirmation to execute the command.

usage: osh.py [-h] [-y] [-s] [PROMPT]

Get a command for a unix-like shell from a model running with Ollama and execute it

positional arguments:

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -y, --yes          Execute the command without asking for confirmation
  -s, --system-info  Display system info



Install ollama

Pull the model:

ollama pull mistral

Start the ollama server:

ollama serve


python osh.py 'update all packages'

Examples with Mistral 7B

python osh.py 'replace occurences of "hello" with "h_ello" in abc.txt'

perl -pi -e 's/hello/h\_ello/g' abc.txt
python osh.py 'change owner of abc.txt to root'

chown root abc.txt
python osh.py 'enable docker at startup'

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
python osh.py 'docker run an ubuntu with terminal attached and port 8080 of the host mapped to 80 of the container'

sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
python osh.py 'add the user johnny with the groups docker, wheel and dev'

sudo useradd -m -g wheel -G docker,dev johnny
python osh.py 'download https://something.com/file.html and transform it into a pdf with pandoc'

wget -P ~/Downloads "https://something.com/file.html" && \
pandoc -f html -t pdf ~/Downloads/file.html -o ~/Documents/output.pdf