phab2jira - Bulk Migrate Phabricator Projects to JIRA

Phabricator and JIRA both support CSV export/import. But you loose a lot of the rich metadata for your issues, such as comments, links to the original tasks. Plus, Phabricator Remarkup does not look good when displayed as JIRA Wiki markup.

What it does

  • Migrate one or all issues in a specific Phabricator project
  • Filter out issues with specific Phabricator boards or statuses
  • Map custom JIRA fields by writing Python code snippets to do the transform
  • Custom issue type mapping
  • Custom issue priority mapping
  • Custom issue status mapping
  • Doesn't need any special JIRA admin access; use your normal account


virtualenv .virtualenv
source .virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --help

Authenticate to Phabricator

Phabricator authentication should be automatic via your ~/.arcrc credentials. You can test it out by searching for Phabricator projects that match a certain query string:

python projects --query my-search-term

Query for the Phabricator project/issues that you want to migrate

By using python projects, you will get a list of Phabricator projects by URL, ID and alias. Once you think you've found the right one, try querying for all the tasks under a specific project alias, to check.

python query --project my-project-alias

Authenticate to JIRA

Even if you use single sign on to authenticate to JIRA normally, you also have a regular username and password. You can set it by going to Profile -> Change Password. Once you have your password, you can authenticate on the command-line.

>python auth --server https://my-jira-host --username --password my-password
Successfully connected to: https://my-jira-host
Version: 7.8.0
Connected as: Your Name
Wrote credentials to ~/.jirarc

If successful, the credentials will be cached in ~/.jirarc so that you don't need to provide them again.

Migrate specific tasks as a test

Start by migrating tasks one-off, to test the migration and the mapping.

>python sync --phid T261182 --jira-project my-jira-project-alias
=== https://my-phabricator-host/T261182 ===
Title: The title of by Phabricator task
Created: https://my-jira-host/browse/PROJ-1

Along with the links to the JIRA issues, the command will print a diff of what fields it's setting on the JIRA issue.

Note: the sync commands are idempotent; if you sync the same issue twice, it uses create or update semantics to update the existing JIRA issue. The issue tracking is done via a remote link that's created on the JIRA issues back to exactly one Phabricator task.

Tweak the migration mapping

There are a number of settings you can tweak on the migration. See "Settings".

Migrate everything

Once you're happy with your settings, you can migrate everything.

python sync-all --project my-project-alias --jira-project my-jira-project-alias

It will page though all results; there is no limit. If you want to artificially step through pages of results, you can use the optional --limit and --offset arguments.

On-going Migration

To migrate just new issues, you can do something like:

python sync-all --column $PHID --update-status resolved

Given a PHID of a Workboard column in Phabricator, you can migrate that subset of tasks, and mark them as Resolved (so as not to process them again next time).

You can also update the column of a migrated task in Phabricator:

python sync-all --column $PHID --update-column $PHID2


You can create a file, and populate the following settings:


The email domain for your company. It's used to format email addresses from usernames, when inserting references to specific users for task assignment and comments attribution.



This setting is used to create the URLs for Phabricator tasks, both for console output and more importantly for the back-links from JIRA to Phabricator.



This is a convenience setting so that you don't have to specify the --project argument all the time.

PHAB_DEFAULT_PROJECT = 'my-project-alias'


If you have a custom field in Phabricator that tracks the type of Phabricator issue, you can specify it here. See also PHAB_TO_JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE_DEFAULT and PHAB_TO_JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE_MAP.

PHAB_ISSUE_TYPE_FIELD = 'custom:my-field'


The default JIRA issue type you want to create, if there is no mapping.



The mapping for Phabricator task type to JIRA issue type.

    'custom:feature': 'Story',
    'custom:bug': 'Bug',


Map Phabricator task status to JIRA issue status.

    'Open': 'open',
    'Resolved': 'done',
    'Needs Investigation': 'on hold',
    'In progress': 'in progress',
    'Verify Fix': 'in review',


The default issue status to use if there is no status mapping.



The URL of your JIRA instance. This can be used instead of using phab2jira auth and creating a ~/.jirarc file.

JIRA_BASE_URL = 'https://my-jira-host'
JIRA_PASSWORD = 'my-password'


The project you want to import issues to be default, convenience so that you don't have to pass --jira-project.

JIRA_DEFAULT_PROJECT = 'my-jira-project-alias'  # ex: PROJ (whatever the prefix of your issues is, like PROJ-1)


If you have a custom field in JIRA for story points, you can specify it here.

JIRA_STORY_POINTS_FIELD = 'customfield_10006'


Issues created in JIRA will have automatic labels created for them based on the Phabricator work board and work board status. This can be useful for filtering later. This setting lets you NOT create a set of issues because they have one of a subset of labels.



JIRA will error out of you try to create a reference to a user that exists in Phabricator, but not in JIRA. You can blacklist these users, and it will just use email address instead of a real linked reference.



If you encounter a small set of issues that cannot be migrated for any reason, you can blacklist them by ID so that they will not attempt to migrate in the future.



This is a powerful extension mechanism that lets you write custom Python code for certain field mappings. You use the map to specify a JIRA issue field name and a callable function which created the value for that JIRA field based on the Phabricator JSON object.

def get_story_points(obj):
  points = obj['fields']['points']
  if not points:
      return None
  return int(points)

  'customfield_10006': get_story_points,



The names of Phabricator work-boards/milestones are slugified and migrated to JIRA labels. This means that if a Phabricator task was on work-board My Workboard, it would have the label my-workboard. This makes it relatively easy to query in JIRA, and potentially batch edit to move under some JIRA Epic, or make other edits.

Phabricator tasks can be under multiple work-boards and milestones, which results in a set of labels.

Linking Phabricator task and diff references

Naked references to Phabricator tasks T123456 and diffs D123456, which are rendered natively as links in Phabricator, are converted to [|] link syntax.

Remarkup to JIRA Wiki Markup

Basic best-effort attempts are made to migrate the Phabricator task and comment body formatting from Remarkup to JIRA Wiki Markup.

  • Bold text migrated from ** to * syntax.
  • Strike-through text migrated from ~~ to - syntax.
  • Code blocks migrated from triple back-ticks to {code} blocks.
  • Links migrated from []() syntax to [|] syntax.
  • Monospace single back-ticks syntax migrated to {{}} syntax.
  • Image {img } syntax migrated to !! syntax.

Known issues

  • The create date on the JIRA issues will be the current date; there is no way to set this via the REST API.
  • The issues reporter will be the user you are using to authenticate to JIRA. Setting that is possible in the REST API, but it requires special admin permissions.
  • The commenting user on any comments will be the user you are using to authenticate to JIRA.
  • The date of any comments will be now. BUT - the comment body will include the original commenting user and date.


Authenticating to Phabricator


Run arc install-certificate

This should install a ~/.arcrc file.

Authenticate to JIRA

Note: depending on your JIRA config, if you provide the wrong password to your account even once, you may get the following CAPTCHA exception:

text: CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE; login-url=
response text = {"errorMessages":["Login denied"],"errors":{}}

In that case, if you simply open a browser and login to JIRA successfully, the CAPTCHA will be cleared and you can try again from the command line.