
Vim color file that makes long coding sessions better while still maintaining color coordination and important keyword focus.

Primary LanguageVim Script

FocusPoint: an epic color file for Vim


FocusPoint aims to maintain a balance between the bright, friendly colors of Molokai and the dim, relaxed colors of Zenburn.

NEW! FocusPoint supports full-color, 256-color, and 16-color modes.


Using Vundle

  1. Add the following to your .vimrc where other bundles are located:

     Bundle 'chase/focuspoint-vim'
  2. Run from command line:

     $ vim +BundleInstall

Using pathogen

  1. Check out the repository into your bundle path:

     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
     $ git clone git://github.com/chase/focuspoint-vim.git


  1. Copy colors/focuspoint.vim to your ~/.vim/colors folder.

Airline Support

If you use Airline and want a matching theme, try vim-airline-focuspoint.