
Fast and Intuitive tree structure using nested sets model.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Fast and Intuitive tree structure using nested sets model.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fast_tree'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fast_tree


fast_tree provides a generator which adds left and right pointers used in nested sets model to your model class. Even if you have created a target class or not, execute following commands in your terminal:

$ bin/rails g fast_tree YOUR_MODEL_NAME

and, execute migration by bundle exec rake db:migrate.

After that, add the following line into your model:

include FastTree::Model

It seems like:

class YOUR_MODEL_NAME < ApplicationRecord
  include FastTree::Model


Finally, you can use several methods as class methods and instance methods.

If you are interested in how it works, see the section "How It Works" below.

Create a tree

To initialize tree structure, do the following:

attributes = { name: "root node" }

Create or add child

To create a new leaf under a node,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first

attributes = { name: "root node" }

or, to add existed node to another,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first

new_node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.second

Create or add parent

To create a new parent over a node,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first

attributes = { name: "root node" }
YOUR_MODEL_NAME.create_parent(attributes, [node])

or, to add existed node to another,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first

parent = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.second
YOUR_MODEL_NAME.add_parent(parent, [node])

You can add/create a parent over several nodes:

children = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take(3)
parent = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.last
YOUR_MODEL_NAME.add_parent(parent, children)

NOTE: this method has a issue: #6

Remove a node

To remove a node reconstructing the tree,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take

If you don't want to reconstruct the tree after deleting a node, do the following:

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take

Copy a subtree under a node

To copy a subtree under a node,

root_of_subtree = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first
target = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.second


Move a subtree under a node

To move a subtree under a node,

root_of_subtree = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.first
target = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.second


Find root

To get the root node from the tree,

root = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.find_root

Deal with subtrees

To get subtree from a root node,

# root can be any node in the tree
root = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take
root.subtree.each do |node|
  # do something

NOTE: subtree method returns ActiveRelation, so that you can use each, map or anything you want!

Tree traverse algorithms

In fast_tree, several tree-traverse algorithms, such as DFS and BFS, are provided.

DFS (Depth First Search)

To get nodes by DFS,

root = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take
root.subtree.dfs.each do |node|
  # do something

BFS (Breadth First Search)

To get nodes by BFS,

root = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take
root.subtree.bfs.each do |node|
  # do something

Parent and children

To get a parent node,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take

or child nodes,

node = YOUR_MODEL_NAME.take

Boolean methods

fast_tree provides several boolean methods, such as:

  • root?
  • leaf?
  • has_children?

, as instance methods.

How It Works

The migration file will create a migration file, such as:

class AddFastTreeToTestTrees < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def self.up
    change_table :test_trees do |t|
      ## Pointers
      t.integer :l_ptr
      t.integer :r_ptr
      t.integer :depth


    add_index :test_trees, :l_ptr
    add_index :test_trees, :r_ptr
    add_index :test_trees, :depth

  def self.down
    # model already existed. Please edit below which fields you would like to remove in this migration.

, but you don't have to care what l_ptr and r_ptr are: tree operations are executed in methods such as create_child or remove.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.