U.S. News Best Cars Exercise

For this exercise, create a jQuery plugin that cosumes list that contains quotes and source links and returns the list with the truncated quotes and a read more button.

The truncated quotes must show 15 words max (not including the source link) and should be followed by and ellipses, the source link and a "Read More" link. If the quote is less than 15 words, nothing would need to happen to that list element. Clicking "Read More" would show the entire quote, the source link and a "Read Less" link. Please refer to the mocks for further clarification.

Please assume the area of HTML marked "NO EDIT" cannot be edited in any way. Although only one unordered list is showing, please assume that there can be other unordered lists on the page.

Assume this plugin will be used by frontend developers who have a basic knowledge of how to select items with jQuery and run a plugin against them; the plugin should be delivered in a way that these developers are able to understand how to use it immediately. Please place the plugin code in js/plugins.js and your code to call the plugin in js/scripts.js. Any dependencies should be placed in js/libs. Any other work product can be placed in the folder with this readme.

This exercise should be completed four business-days after it is received (so if you get it on a Monday, return it on a Thursday). We expect you will arrive at a solution on your own -- feel free to use API documentation online, but do your own coding. We expect your code to work, but we're also looking at your style and how you deliver your production code.

Please deliver a zip with your solution and these support files. In the email cover to your answer, please include a few sentences describing why you solved the exercise in the way you did.

If you have any questions, please send them by email to the person who sent you these instructions.
