
Tired of creating smart groups limited to 1000 devices for deletion? This script will take a list of Mobile Device IDs that can be exported from a Jamf Pro server and will utilize Bearer Token authentication to delete the list of devices and record the output to a pre defined log file.

Mass Delete Mobile Devices in Jamf Pro

This script will take a list of mobile Device IDs exported from a Jamf Pro server and delete the devices from Jamf utilizing Bearer Token authentication and record the list in a predefined log file.


	Place in the same directory
		- .txt file labeled ---> jamf_pro_id_numbers.txt
		- .sh file labeled ----> mass_delete_Jamf_Pro_Mobile_Devices.sh

	Call script with the following four parameters
		- a text file containing the Jamf Pro IDs of the mobile device(s) you wish to delete.
		- The URL of the appropriate Jamf Pro server
		- username for an account on the Jamf Pro server with sufficient privileges
		  to delete mobile devices from the Jamf Pro server.
		- password for the account on the Jamf Pro server


	Change Directory on Terminal to the folder with the script and txt file


	./mass_delete_Jamf_Pro_Mobile_Devices.sh jamf_pro_id_numbers.txt
	^^This will be the script name           ^^This will be the file of Jamf Pro Device IDs