
Simple is a clone of Obtvse written in Python running on Flask.

Primary LanguagePython


A clone of Obtvse.


The point of Simple is to be simple. The blog is 1 file (excluding resources) with a few simple pure-python dependancies, it doesn't require a database server, has a small footprint and is fairly fast.


Its quite simple. Go download Python 2.7+, Flask, Sqlalchemy and flask-sqlalchemy and you are good to go. To create a settings file run create_config.py and enter some details, then run simple.py.


Deploying Simple is easy. Simply clone this repo (or your own) and install Gunicorn. Then cd to the directory containing simple.py and run the following command: gunicorn -w 4 simple:app This will start 4 gunicorn workers serving Simple. You can then use nginx or apache to forward requests to Gunicorn.


You can see my blog running this software here.


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