
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A simple API to generate code diffs using ChatGPT

Running the Application Locally

  1. First, clone the repository to your local machine and navigate to the project directory:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <project-directory>
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. create a new .env file for secrets, you can get this information from supabase your .env file should look like this:
  1. Run the app
uvicorn main:app --reload

Now, the server should be up and running at http://localhost:8000. You can view the interactive API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs.

To test the server and run sample requests, open the openAPI page at


Deploy changes to prod

Use Heroku for production:

heroku login
git push heroku main
heroku open
heroku logs --tail

Run tests:

pytest tests/test_github.py

Run tests through docker:

docker build -t tinygen .
docker run tinygen pytest tests/test_github.py

Run tests with docker-compose:

docker-compose run app pytest tests/test_github.py

Python things:

source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual env
deactive # deactivate virtual env
pip freeze > requirements.txt # update deps