
About A VSCode extension which provides a Tree-based manager for Open Tabs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

-- Work in Progress --

Tree Tabs VSCode

Tree Tabs is a VSCode extension which provides a Tree-based layout mananger for open tabs.

A linear-based tab layout (just a big list of tabs) becomes messy and unuseable once you have more than a few tabs open.

Often I'm working in a file which is several logical "components" deep, trying to keep the child/parent caller/callee chains straight in my head

With tree tabs, you can easily give child/parent/sibling relationships to tabs. This makes it much easier to quickly jump between multiple open files which call/render eachother while working in complex codebases.

VSCode Webview React

This project was bootstrapped with

The webview API allows extensions to create customizable views within VSCode. Single Page Application frameworks are perfect fit for this use case. However, to make modern JavaScript frameworks/toolchains appeal to VSCode webview API's security best practices requires some knowledge of both the bundling framework you are using and how VSCode secures webview. This project aims to provide an out-of-box starter kit for Create React App and TypeScript in VSCode's webview.


Run following commands in the terminal

// must use npm
// for some reason installing dependencies with Yarn can cause type issues.
// see: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/20350
npm install
npm run build

And then press F5, in Extension Development Host session, run Tree Tabs Webview command from command palette.

Packaging and Shipping

npm install -g vsce if you dont have it vsce package to create a .vsix file Open VSCode Go to Extensions view (cmd+shift+X) Install from VSIX choose your VSIX


To see console.log outputs from the webview, in the VSCode test instance click help -> toggle developer tools

Under the hood

Things we did on top of Create React App TypeScript template

  • We inline index.html content in ext-src/extension.ts when creating the webview
  • We set strict security policy for accessing resources in the webview.
    • Only resources in /build can be accessed
    • Onlu resources whose scheme is vscode-resource can be accessed.
  • For all resources we are going to use in the webview, we change their schemes to vscode-resource
  • Since we only allow local resources, absolute path for styles/images (e.g., /static/media/logo.svg) will not work. We add a .env file which sets PUBLIC_URL to ./ and after bundling, resource urls will be relative.
  • We add baseUrl <base href="${vscode.Uri.file(path.join(this._extensionPath, 'build')).with({ scheme: 'vscode-resource' })}/"> and then all relative paths work.


Right now you can only run production bits (yarn run build) in the webview, how to make dev bits work (webpack dev server) is still unknown yet. Suggestions and PRs welcome !