
sup is a tool to be used like ping but with more protocol awareness.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


sup is a tool to be used like ping but for higher up the stack

Tested on:

Python 2.6.6
Python 2.7

Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7
OSX Darwin

Installing (for now as setup.py is not yet ready):


cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/chasemp/sup.git
ln -s /opt/sup/sup.py /usr/local/bin/sup

LoOKs like:

sup www.google.com -m http
01.14.38 www.google.com:80 200 OK 10.0 ms
01.14.39 www.google.com:80 200 OK 0.0 ms


like ping but for higher up the stack

usage: sup [-h] [-p] [-b] [-v] [-f] [-vv] [-c COUNT] [-t TIMEOUT]
              [-i INTERVAL] [-m MODE]

ping up the stack

positional arguments:
  site         url or ip of site to manage

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -p           show popups
  -b           broadcast messages
  -v           verbose
  -f           flood as many requests as possible
  -vv          very verbose
  -c COUNT     set count
  -t TIMEOUT   main timeout
  -i INTERVAL  interval between polls
  -m MODE      Check type to use. Available: tcp http smtp ntp memcached icmp
               redis https ssh

Checking services/hosts

TCP Ping (default port is 22):

sup host.com

02.10.29 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms
02.10.31 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms
02.10.33 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms

TCP Ping non-default port:

sup host.com:80

02.10.29 host.com:80 OK 0.0 ms
02.10.31 host.com:80 OK 0.0 ms
02.10.33 host.com:80 OK 0.0 ms

Hit 'Enter' to exit with stats at any time:

avg: 0.0 Max: 0.0 Min: 0.0
tcping polled 4 times in 8.0 seconds

sup can do 'ping' like behavior for:

* tcp
* http
* https
* smtp
* ntp
* memcached
* icmp
* redis
* ssh

'Pinging' Redis:

sup redis01 -m redis

02.12.39 redis01:6379 PONG 10.0 ms

'Pinging' memcached:

sup.py mchost.com -m memcached

02.13.34 mchost.com:11211 OK 10.0 ms

sup can notify you of state changes.

Run sup tcping in background with 'broadcast' enabled:

sup host.com -b &
[1] 25420

Now when that host.com state changes it is broadcast:

02.14.48 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms
02.14.50 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms
02.14.52 host.com:22 OK 0.0 ms
Broadcast Message from root@idle34                                             
        (/dev/pts/0) at 14:14 ...                                              
02.14.54 host.com:22 timeout 0.0 ms

sup can also do a GUI popup if X is installed:

sup host.com -p &

sup can take configuration directives from an ini file.

Config file location:


default section options

localnet  - define ip's to treat as 'local'.  this is pattern matching not IP strict.
remotemon - define the default poller to use for nonlocal resources
localmon - define the default poller to use for local resources


localnet = 192.,10. #all 192 and 10 addresses use local monitor
localmon = tcp #all local use this monitor
remotemon = http #all non-local use this monitor

substitution section options

alias - define an alias to be translated instead of a a full hostname


google = www.google.com
l = localhost

sup l
05.06.58 localhost:22 failed 0.265 ms
05.06.59 localhost:22 failed 0.792 ms

sup google
05.21.27 www.google.com:80 200 OK 5.664 ms
05.21.29 www.google.com:80 200 OK 6.117 ms

poller section options

port - set default port for a specific poller


port = 80


sup can flood as many requests as possible

sup l:80 -m http -f
04.51.34 localhost:80 200 OK 1.188 ms
04.51.34 localhost:80 200 OK 0.885 ms
04.51.34 localhost:80 200 OK 1.144 ms
avg: 0.777363855422 Max: 1.762 Min: 0.601
http polled 415 times in 0.0 seconds

Specify Count

sup allows you to specify a count of attempts (including with -f option)

Limit count to 3 tcping's of localhost port 80 (.ini preference):

sup l -c 3
04.53.18 localhost:80 OK 0.397 ms
04.53.19 localhost:80 OK 0.463 ms
04.53.20 localhost:80 OK 0.408 ms
avg: 0.422666666667 Max: 0.463 Min: 0.397
tcp polled 3 times in 3.0 seconds

Limit count to 3 tcping's of localhost port 80 again with flood:

sup l -c 3 -f
04.53.55 localhost:80 OK 0.347 ms
04.53.55 localhost:80 OK 0.227 ms
04.53.55 localhost:80 OK 0.207 ms
avg: 0.260333333333 Max: 0.347 Min: 0.207
tcp polled 3 times in 0.0 seconds


DevOps KC Presentation