
Go in kubernetes via Helm tests

Primary LanguageSmarty


This is just experiments with:

  • Go (v1.15.1)
  • Kubernetes (OSX Docker Desktop)
  • Helm (v2.9.0+, v3.+)
    • environment yaml files to env variables
    • environment global with local overrides

Basic Steps

# Build the docker image
./bin/docker-build-push.sh -n NAME -v VERSION
# Update Chart.yaml appVersion to the VERSION above
# helm deploy 

Config Notes

Environment variables are exposed to the service from YAML files in environment folder. The YAML, containing a map named config is mapped to environment variables as follows:

    max: "42"
      name: "server.name.com"
      port: "2056"

The environment variables that result will be:


Helm 2.9.0 vs Helm 3.+

# Remove 2.9.0
helm delete NAME --purge

# Remove 3.+
helm uninstall NAME

# Install 2.9.0
helm install CHART_PATH -name NAME

helm install NAME CHART_PATH


  • Helm 2.9.0 issues:
    • Helm init doesn't work, see helm-init.sh for fix.
    • Helm delete, even with --purge leaves running pod. Need t use kubectl to kill.
  • Helm 3+:
    • helm uninstall seems to work properly
  • I'm not using a two stage build with a Golang docker image.
    • Building a Linux amd64 binary and copying that into an Alpine image in anticipation of having to build from a very large source base in the future and wanting to avoid multi-stage build pattern.
  • Helm chart stripped back as much as possible.