
OAuth 2 Redux focused Implicit and Authorization Code grant type library.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-end (mostly) library for OAuth 2 implicit granting. Also can handle authorization code however it requires your own intermediary endpoint. It is described below.

TODO: Refresh token

Uses Redux and redux-promise-middleware. To have it set up with your Redux store, first include combinedOauthReducerHash function with service name argument as a reducer. Then for configuring the store, import combinedOauthStateHash helper function for the initial states which come from Local Storage. Include the oauth2Middleware middleware. Include redux-promise-middleware. Example code:

// Reducer File
import { combinedOauthReducerHash } from 'oauth2-redux';
export default rootReducer = combineReducers( {
  ...combinedOauthReducerHash( 'serviceOne' ), 
  ...combinedOauthReducerHash( 'serviceTwo' ) 
} );
// Configure Store file
import promise from 'redux-promise-middleware';
import { oauth2Middleware, combinedOauthStateHash } from 'oauth2-redux';
const middlewares = [ promise, oauth2Middleware ];
const initialState = {
  ...combinedOauthStateHash( 'serviceOne' ), 
  ...combinedOauthStateHash( 'serviceTwo' ) 

// Pass initialState as second argument to createStore.
// Pass middlewares as third, last argument with applyMiddlewares

There's a barebones React component example using the library and the calling of the React component in the examples folder.

Authorization Code

This requires your own endpoint. Have to send the second step url with the code to get an access token as a POST request to a url defined in config as "backend_url". Example serverless code is at https://github.com/inoicouldalwaysturn2u/netlify-express, specifically https://github.com/inoicouldalwaysturn2u/netlify-express/blob/master/express/server.js. The specific endpoint code is as follows and cors is used as well:

router.post( '/auth-code', ( req, res ) => {
  Axios.post( req.body.url )
    .then( response => {
      res.json( { status: response.status, ...response.data } ) 
    } )
} );

You can use the given default endpoint of https://atsexpress.atextbooksituation.com/.netlify/functions/server/auth-code or use the code of the forked netlify-express at https://github.com/inoicouldalwaysturn2u/netlify-express. It has a deploy to Netlify button for convenience that is below as well.