
Just generate SSL certs with certbot.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ansible role: letsencrypt

Generate and deploy Let's Encrypt SSL certs on a web server.

Role Variables

Name Description Type Default Required
ssl_webserver Indicates the name of the webserver in use. This is used to stop and start the service as well as install the appropriate certbot plugin string nginx no
ssl_domains List of domain objects to generate ssl certs for See: SSL Domains list [] no
enable_certbot_cronjob If provided a cronjob will be created that regenerates the certificates every 2 months boolean false no
certbot_cron_user Which user the cronjob should run as, only has an effect if enable_cronjob is true. string root no

SSL Domains

The variable ssl_domains is a list of SSL domain specifications. The simplest form is just domain: my.domain.com. A full example with all options is below:

  # The simplest form this will generate an SSL certificate for example.com with
  # an admin email address of admin@example.com
  - domain: example.com
  # This form demos all options
  - domain: mine.com
    # Specify the admin email for this SSL domain, defaults to admin@{{ domain }}
    admin_email: nope@mine.com

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: chasinglogic.letsencrypt