A shell script for building and releasing go programs on Github
I wrote this because I kept doing the same things over and over when releasing go programs to github, so I automated it and decided it could be used here for everyone.
First you'll want some optional environment variables setup:
These are arrays of the platforms and architectures you want to build for, the
defaults are ("amd64" "386")
and ("linux" "darwin" "windows")
We use this to create the release on github, if you leave this unset we just build the program for the platforms/architectures provided and skip releasing on github.
This is the owner of the github repo (i.e.
) if you leave this unset we assume
which can cause some weirdness obviously if you don't use your github
username as your unix username.
The easiest way to get release.sh is via curl which you need to run the script anyway:
curl -OSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chasinglogic/release.sh/master/release.sh
Then set the executable permission on the downloaded script
chmod +x release.sh
./release.sh tag_name name_of_release prelease_bool:optional
This would deploy to tag v0.0.1 naming the release MVP and specify it is a
./release.sh v0.0.1 MVP true
If the 3rd argument is omitted we assume it is a normal release
./release.sh v1.0.0 "Aces High"
NOTE: If you specify any third argument it is assumed you want a prelease.
You should run release.sh in the root of your project directory otherwise strange things may happen and you'll end up in the upside down.
First release.sh will create a folder called build/
it will then create a
subfolder for each platform + architecture combination you have such that you
will end up with multiple folders of the form build/$platform-$arch
it then
builds your package for each of those platforms / arches putting the binary in
the appropriate folder. The binary name will be name specified by $PROGRAM
the exception of when building for windows it will be $PROGRAM.exe
. Finally
once the binary has been created it will tar up the build/$platform-$arch
folder into $program-$tag_name-$platform-$arch.tar.gz
again the exception
here being windows where it will use zip instead of tar creating
. Finally it creates the release on
github using the REST API and uploads the artifacts to that release. The "body"
of the release on github will simply be "$PROGRAM release $RELEASE_NAME" if you
want release notes you'll have to go edit the release, eventually I'll add
support for the release notes being added for you.