- Aramando Dollia: armandodollia
- Ken Saganski: saganawski
- Michael Bonetti: MikeyB303
- Chase Stephens: chastep
Pitch Perfect aims to create an easy and fluid process for Phase 3 DBC students to submit and vote on Final Project pitches. DBC instructors have increased functionality with this app, allowing them to create pitch days that will hold these proposed pitches and give them adminstator access to efficiently manage pitch days' round status, pitches themselves, voting processes, and final pitch selection with set team placement.
The application will allow for all users to view open and closed pitch days. This allows students to view past pitch selections and their corresponding blurbs to help them gather a better idea at what an example final project might contain.
To view this application and to have a first hand experience using this (pitch) PERFECT application, please visit the site above and sign up!
Please fork this repo and commit your changes. Send back a pull request for us to review! We love getting feedback :D
Pitch Perfect is released under the MIT License