
Allowing users to order widgets since 2019

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Widget Orderer 5000™️

The Widget Orderer 5000™️ (patent pending) allows users to order certain types of widgets.

App Overview

There are a few assumptions baked into widget orders:

  • The number of widgets ordered must be a whole number, no partial widgets
  • Widgets can only be painted red, blue or yellow
  • Widgets can only be delivered within 1 week of order creation
  • Widgets come in 3 different types: "Widget", "Widget Pro" and "Widget Xtreme"
  • Orders will have a unique order ID (this ID cannot be altered and is created upon successful order creation)

App functionality also includes:

  • All orders created are saved to the DB (open the console with rails c to check it out)
  • Order form creation constraints (based on assumptions above)
  • Orders can be created, read, updated, and destroyed (CRUD it up)
  • Orders cannot have emails inputted after creation
  • Confirmation messages are displayed when orders are created, updated, and destroyed
  • All orders are listed on the home page in descending order based off order quantity
  • Widget types can be listed and viewed separately (these are generated upon application setup, routes are hidden but follow basic REST routes formatting)

Extra Credit Functionality:

  • An optional email can be inputted by users which notifies email with order creation details and link to order details page
  • Order tracking is in place with order status shown on /orders and /order/:id views (order details pages)
  • Admin can login and update order status

Things you'll need to start:

  • RubyGems
  • ruby 2.6.5 (I recommend using rbenv to configure your local ruby/rails version)
  • rails 6.0.0 (rails gem download)
  • yarn 1.13.0 (https://yarnpkg.com/en/) - dependency manager, installed out of habit/future development potential
  • postgresql 11.5 (download, I recommend using the Homebrew download if you have a mac)

Testing/Additional Applications

Rspec is used for all test coverage. To run locally just run rspec. All major controller and model functionality is covered in the spec directory.

A variety of gems are used to increase app functionality. A list below:

To run locally:

Clone down and run the commands below:

  • git clone git@github.com:chastep/widget_orderer.git
  • cd widget_orderer
  • bundle install
  • yarn install --check-files
  • ./bin/rake db:setup
  • In order to get admin functionality to work locally you'll have to create a fresh .git.development file where only you know the credentials. I have the template ready for you:
    • mv .env.template .env.development
  • Update the variables to something only you know (I'm not looking)
  • ./bin/rails s
  • Enjoy!

Just open a PR and push if you find something wrong, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

This project is released under the MIT Open Source license