A Smart contract and API for issuing credentials on the blockchain.
The smart contract has:
- a whilelist of authorised Issuers
- a list of CredentialTypes that can be issued
- a credentials register with metadata for each Credential including an ipfs hash
Credentials are:
- JSON files containing credential details and a signature from the issuer
- encrypted with the holders public key and stored on IPFS
> truffle compile
> npm run lint
> truffle develop
truffle(develop)> test
- should encrypt a string
- should decrypt an Encrypted record
- should get and decrypt and encrypted record on IPFS
- should encrypt and push data to IPFS
Contract: Credentials
✓ should add issuer (101ms)
✓ should add a credential type (162ms)
✓ should issue a credential and getters return correct data (310ms)
adding encrypted file to ipfs
credential ipfs hash: QmcKeSRmkiHtDQTVow4injnzT6pjKFTCM1pAiBPr7uFEvR
✓ should complete full cycle of issuing credentials including read and write from IPFS (2972ms)
4 passing (4s)
4 pending
NOTE: api tests are not yet complete however these are called inside the Credentials contract test.