A practical application of JavaScript MV* Frameworks... with pizza
This project came from a desire to learn and evaluate each Model-View-* JavaScript framework. I started to write my own and decided that I should at least learn 10 of them before I do something so drastic. To properly evaluate a framework, I needed something that was simple enough to understand within a few minutes of reading it, but that was complex enough to discover pain points during development.
The idea for creating a pizza customization came from thinking about all of this and then noticing that pizza screens are complex enough to do this while ordering a pizza. I hope that anyone who comes here can benefit from the work I am putting into it.
folder | description |
/assets | shared resources (images, config, etc.) |
/assets-src | source files for assets (.less, .ai, .psd) |
/projects | framework specific code |
/projects/angularjs | AngularJS 1 |
/projects/kendoui | KendoUI |
/projects/knockoutjs | KnockoutJS |
/projects/ractivejs | RactiveJS |
/projects/reactjs | ReactJS |
/projects/vuejs | VueJS |
If NodeJS is not on your system, download NodeJS and install it.
Download and extract this repository or use git to clone it to a local directory.
git clone https://github.com/notoriousb1t/modelviewpizza.git
Change to the /modelviewpizza directory.
Use the following command to recompile the assets if needed
npm start
To run the code in node (and see it at http://localhost:3001), run the following command:
node server.js
If you know how the code could better represent the framework or if there is a bug, send me a pull request or if you are feeling particularly lazy, send me a message on Twitter (@notoriousb1t). I welcome your suggestions.