
Primary LanguageDockerfile

#DRUPAL 8+Docker Compose+Ubuntu 16.04 LTS+LAMP+Drush+Travis

Please use https://travis-ci.org to run.

Test steps in local machine(preferred Linux or Mac)

1)Install git, docker , docker-compose ,curl(if you don't have Browser) in your test machine

2)Clone the code to test machine git clone https://github.com/chathra222/drupalsite.git

3)Run docker-compose build from the root folder of the project to build docker images

4)Run docker-compose up -d to bring up the docker containers

5)Run docker-compose ps to verify the docker containers

6)Run drupalinit.sh script to run Drupal installation using Drush

7)Access to Drupal site http://localhost:8080 from browser or using curl