Deploying a Hello World API using Terraform and Github Actions(CI/CD)

This guide outlines the steps to create an S3 bucket for storing Terraform state files using the AWS CLI. It also covers optional steps for setting up state locking with DynamoDB.


  • AWS CLI installed and configured with necessary permissions.
  • An AWS account with permissions to create S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables (if using state locking).

Installation and Configuration

Step 1: Configure AWS CLI

Ensure AWS CLI is installed and configured with your credentials:

aws configure

Step 2: Create S3 Bucket to store the Terraform State file

S3 bucket name should be globally unique.Make sure to use a unique bucket name.

aws s3 mb s3://chathra-tfstate-bkt --region us-east-1

Step 3: Enable Versioning

Enable versioning on your S3 bucket to keep the history of your state files:

aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket chathra-tfstate-bkt --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

Step 4: Set Up DynamoDB for State Locking (Optional)

If you want to use state locking, create a DynamoDB table:

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name my-lock-table \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST

Step 5: Configure Terraform Backend

Add the following backend configuration in

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "my-terraform-state-bucket" # use the same bucket name used in step 2
    key            = "terraform.tfstate" 
    region         = "us-east-1"
    dynamodb_table = "my-lock-table" # optional (Only if you created the DynamoDB table in step 4) 

Step 6: Create a new Github repository and set following secrets in development enviroment

This step will ensure github actions can authenticate and deploy the resources in AWS using Terraform.Your IAM user should have sufficient permissions in AWS. The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be the security credentials of your AWS account user.

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Step 7: Once you prepare the code locally and commited to the local git repository, push it to the new repository that you created in Step 6, so it should trigger Github actions(CI/CD pipeline)

git remote set-url origin  <your new remote repo url(step 6)> 
git push origin main

Step 8: Access the deployed API

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