
Brief introduction about MQ3 and how alcohol dectection work Alcohol detector using Arduino

INTRODUCTION: – Nowadays drinking and driving is the most common threat to their as well as others’ life. We cannot stop people from drinking but we can avoid these accidents by checking the person of drinking also we can put these types of small devices in vehicles to assure that no drink and drive can further take place. Today we are going to make a simple alcohol indicator that can be used in small devices or for the demonstration of simple small projects for an Alcohol detector using Arduino. Many advanced alcohol sensors are available in the market for a reasonable price but we are here to make it with the help of some basic stuff like Arduino, LED, and Alcohol sensors. This is a very simple project and you can make this project simply by follow the given instructions.

Alcohol detector using Arduino what is an Alcohol detector using Arduino The stuff we are going to used today to build an alcohol indicator is Arduino, LEDs, and an MQ-3 Alcohol sensor. There are many MQ-X sensors is available in the market for different uses but we are here going to use MQ-3 because it is best for detecting alcohol. The working of most of the MQ sensors is the same. They all contain a heating element that heats up a layer of conducting material whose resistance is continuously measured. Its resistance changes when fumes or smell from alcohol comes in contact with the MQ-3 sensor. Arduino based alcohol detector having the mq3 sensor the specification given above. which can be monitor in our IoT based alcohol detector project.

The sensor also has an onboard power led and also an onboard Status led which will blink whenever the sensor detects alcohol(fumes). Alcohol detector using Arduino The sensor gives both digital and analog output. The difference between the two is very simple in digital output only high or low means either 1 or 0 is transmitted to a microcontroller but in the analog signal, a wide range of values from 0 to 1023 is transmitted to the microcontroller which corresponds to the intensity of alcohol in the nearby environment. The sensor is built out of LM393 IC which has an inbuilt amplifier that amplifies the voltage signal to the detectable range. Also, it has voltage comparators for efficient amplification. The amount of amplification can be adjusted with the help of potentiometers given on the sensor.