
AnySoftKeyboard various tools

Primary LanguageJava


Make-Dictionary (makedictioanry)

Builds a binary dictionary from word-list XML file.


Input should be an XML file in the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <w f="255">Hello</w>
    <w f="255">Goodbye</w>
    <w f="254">Bye</w>

f is the frequency of the word - a value between 255..1 - where higher value means more frequent (common) word.


Will produce the followings:

  1. A resources-array resource file words_dict_array.xml. Should be placed under /res/values/
  2. A set of binary files which are readable by AnySoftKeyboard. These files should be placed under /res/raw/ resources folder.

Some Android versions had issues with reading raw files which are larger than 1MB. This utility will break your binary dictionary file into multiple files if the size of the binary data is more than 1MB.

How to use

This is a Gradle Plugin. First, add this to the build-script class path:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        //any other repositories

        //AnySoftKeyboard-Tools' repository
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    dependencies {
        //any other dependencies
        classpath 'com.github.AnySoftKeyboard.AnySoftKeyboardTools:makedictionary:-SNAPSHOT'

Then add a Task to create the binary-dictionary:

task makeEnglishDictionary(type: com.anysoftkeyboard.tools.makedictionary.MakeDictionaryTask) {
    inputWordsListFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words.xml")

optionally, if your res folder is non-standard, or you have multiple such folders, you may want to specify its location:

task makeEnglishDictionary(type: com.anysoftkeyboard.tools.makedictionary.MakeDictionaryTask) {
    inputWordsListFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words.xml")
    resourcesFolder new File(project.getProjectDir(), "src/main/res/")

To create the dictionary, run the task from command-line:

./gradlew makeEnglishDictionary

Generate Words-List (generatewordslist)

Generates words-list XML file (which can be used as input to makedictioanry)


Generates word-list XML file (with frequencies) from a text file.


Non-marked-up text, aka simple text file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <w f="255">Hello</w>
    <w f="255">Goodbye</w>
    <w f="254">Bye</w>

f is the frequency of the word - a value between 255..1 - where higher value means more frequent (common) word.

How to use

This is a Gradle Plugin. First, add this to the build-script class path:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        //any other repositories

        //AnySoftKeyboard-Tools' repository
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    dependencies {
        //any other dependencies
        classpath 'com.github.AnySoftKeyboard.AnySoftKeyboardTools:generatewordslist:-SNAPSHOT'

Then add a Task to generate the XML file:

task parseEbook1(type: com.anysoftkeyboard.tools.generatewordslist.GenerateWordsListTask) {
    inputTextFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/ebook_1.txt")
    outputWordsListFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words_ebook_1.xml")
    wordCharacters "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray()
    additionalInnerCharacters "'".toCharArray()
    locale Locale.US

To create the word-list, run the task from command-line:

./gradlew parseEbook1


Merges several words-list XML files into one.


Valid words-list XML files array.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <w f="255">Hello</w>
    <w f="255">Goodbye</w>
    <w f="254">Bye</w>

f is the frequency of the word - a value between 255..1 - where higher value means more frequent (common) word.

How to use

This is a Gradle Plugin. First, add this to the build-script class path:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        //any other repositories

        //AnySoftKeyboard-Tools' repository
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    dependencies {
        //any other dependencies
        classpath 'com.github.AnySoftKeyboard.AnySoftKeyboardTools:generatewordslist:-SNAPSHOT'

Then add a Task to generate the XML file:

task mergeAllWordLists(type: com.anysoftkeyboard.tools.generatewordslist.MergeWordsListTask) {
    inputWordsListFiles = [
            new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words.xml"),
            new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words_ebook_1.xml"),
            new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words_ebook_2.xml")
            ] as File[]
    outputWordsListFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), "english_dictionary/words_merged.xml")
    maxWordsInList 100000

To merge ths words-lists, run the task from command-line:

./gradlew mergeAllWordLists

See an actual, real world, usage at AnySoftKeyboard