
Feeling hard to remember all keybindings. Actions will help us to run stuff in a few keystroke, thanks to fuzzy search.

Primary LanguageLua


Sometimes, we feel hard to remember all the hotkeys, especially the keys we rarely use. Actions.nvim is the plugin that allow you to create a list of actions, by fuzzy searching through the actions, you can run it without remember the keybinding.

Getting Started


Using vim-plug

Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'chau-bao-long/actions.nvim'


Build your custom maps

" Actions only for kotlin filetype
let g:kotlinActions = [
      \ ['💾 ktlint', 'tabnew | terminal ktlint'],
      \ ['💾 run all test', 'tabnew | terminal ./gradlew cleanTest test --info'],
      \ ['💾 build', 'tabnew | terminal ./gradlew build'],
      \ ['💾 bootJar', 'tabnew | terminal ./gradlew bootJar'],
      \ ['💾 compile', 'tabnew | terminal ./gradlew compileKotlin'],
      \ ['💾 clean', 'tabnew | terminal ./gradlew clean'],

" Actions only for javascript filetype
let g:javascriptActions = [
      \ ['💾 eslint all file', 'Dispatch pwd | xargs eslint'],
      \ ['💾 eslint current file', 'Dispatch! eslint %:p'],
      \ ['💾 eslint fix all file', 'Dispatch pwd | xargs eslint --fix'],
      \ ['💾 prettier all file', 'Dispatch yarn prettier'],
      \ ['💾 prettier current file', 'Dispatch! prettier --write %:p'],

" Actions only for php filetype, and so on
let g:phpActions = [ ... ]

" Common actions for every filetype
let g:commonActions = [


" Secret actions (like: database creds)"
let g:databases = [
      \ ['📄 db monolith', 'DB g:cur = mysql://root:root@dev.test.de:30601/db'],
      \ ['📄 adhoc monolith', 'tabnew | terminal mycli -u root -h admin.dev.db.de -P 30601 -p"root" -D db' ],
      \ ['📄 first service', 'DB g:cur = postgres://postgres:postgres@dev.db.de:30781/first-service-db'],
      \ ['📄 adhoc first service', 'tabnew | terminal PGPASSWORD=postgres pgcli -h dev.db.de -p 30781 -U postgres first-service-db' ],
      \ ['📄 second service', 'DB g:cur = postgres://postgres:postgres@dev.db.de:30681/second-db'],

Example in Lua

vim.g.commonActions = {
    '🔎 files vim config',
    "Files ~/Projects/dotfiles/.vim/after/plugin/",
      ' - Pick a vim config file',
    '🔎 files vim function',
    "Files ~/Projects/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/",
      ' - Pick a file in ~/Projects/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/ folder',
    '🔎 files lua modules',
    "Files ~/Projects/dotfiles/.vim/lua",
      ' - Pick a lua module',
    '🔎 files vim filetype config',
    "Files ~/.vim/ftplugin/",
      ' - Pick a file in ~/.vim/ftplugin/ folder',
    '🔎 files user bin',
    "Files ~/bin",
      ' - Pick a file in ~/bin folder',
    '🔎 grep projects',
    'call common#selectProject("~/Projects", function("common#grepInProjectHandler"), 0)',
      ' - Search in one of project in ~/Projects folder',
    '🔎 zsh config',
    'tabnew ~/.zshrc',
    '🔎 tmux config',
    'tabnew ~/.tmux.conf',
    '🔎 user config',
    "Files ~/.config",
      ' - Pick a file in ~/.config folder',
  {'📌 ctags ruby with lib', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=Ruby --exclude=.git --exclude=log . $(bundle list --paths)'},
  {'📌 ctags ruby', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=Ruby --exclude=.git --exclude=log .'},
  {'📌 ctags js with lib', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=JavaScript --exclude=.git --exclude=dist --exclude=log .'},
  {'📌 ctags js', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=JavaScript --exclude=.git --exclude=log --exclude=node_modules --exclude=dist .'},
  {'📌 ctags python with lib', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=Python --exclude=.git --exclude=log . $(pip show pip | grep Location | cut -d ":" -f 2)'},
  {'📌 ctags python', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=Python --exclude=.git --exclude=log .'},
  {'📌 ctags php', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=PHP --exclude=.git --exclude=log .'},
  {'📌 ctags java with lib', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=java,kotlin --exclude=.git --exclude=log --exclude=.gradle --exclude=.gradle-home --exclude=data . ~/Projects/lib/java'},
  {'📌 ctags java', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=java,kotlin --exclude=.git --exclude=log --exclude=.gradle --exclude=.gradle-home --exclude=data .'},
  {'📌 ctags c', 'Dispatch! ctags -R --languages=c,c++ --exclude=.git .'},


" Take actions from g:commonActions variable
nnoremap <space><space> :CommonActions<cr>

" Take actions from g:databases
nnoremap <space>se :DatabaseActions<cr>

" Take actions base on file type, g:kotlinActions for kotlin filetype, g:phpActions for php filetype, g:XXXActions for XXX filetype
nnoremap <space>k :FileTypeActions<cr>


All contributions are welcome! Just open a pull request.

When approved, changes in the user interface and new built-in functions will need to be reflected in the documentation and in README.md.