
backend assignment 2

Primary LanguageKotlin

Ever-changing Hierarchy GmbH

The project would give a help for company to build their employee hierarchy, and the ability for an employee to know who is their bosses.

Getting Started

Technology stack includes Spring Boot + Java + Gradle



  1. Start Mysql server locally -> create user -> create database
  2. Go to /src/main/resources/application-dev.yml and update corresponding database config
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/backend_assignment
    username: mysql-user
    password: mysql-user-password
  1. Start dev server
$ cd <project-location>
$ ./gradlew bootRun

From now, we should able to access web api via http://localhost:8080

Running the tests

Test cases cover most of core logic, which is locate in service layer and repository layer

# run all tests
$ ./gradlew test
# run a specific test
$ ./gradlew test --tests=<testname>
# much more information
$ ./gradlew test --tests=<testname> --info

Coding style

Follow default Kotlin code style on IntelliJ IDE

Available APIs

POST /api/v1/hierarchy (create hierarchy)
GET  /api/v1/hierarchy (get hierarchy)
GET  /api/v1/staffs/{name}/superiors (get superiors)
POST /api/v1/users/seed (seed test user for authentication)
POST /api/v1/auth (login)

A deeper look

Applied design pattern

  • Inverse of control
  • Service pattern
  • Repository pattern
  • Facade pattern
  • DTO - Data transfer object
  • MVC

Build hierarchy algorithm

  • Step 1: Use adjacent matrix to represent relationship between employee
  • Step 2: Look on matrix to find out the tree root
  • Step 3: Build comprehensive tree from root to leafs

For example: the company has following employees relationship

	"Pete": "Nick",
	"Barbara": "Nick",
	"Nick": "Sophie",
	"Sophie": "Jonas"

For each relationship subordinate -> superior, we find out its position in matrix, increase by 1 to express an employee is the boss of another one, hence increase 2 if someone is indirect boss of someone. We end up with following matrix

Barbara Jonas Sophie Nick Pete
Barbara 0 2 2 1 0
Jonas 0 0 0 0 0
Sophie 0 1 0 0 0
Nick 0 2 1 0 0
Pete 0 2 2 1 0

0: means two employees has no relationship

1: means one is boss of another one

2: means one is indirectly boss of another one

=> Root is the one who is direct boss or indirect boss of everyone

In case of we found > 1 root or zero root, the tree is conflict which lead to error.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
