
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

How to install?

$ make debian
$ make redhat
$ make macos

$ make arch #install base package on arch linux
$ make install_softwares #install mostly used softwares

What is installed?

  • git
  • zsh + oh-my-zsh + completion + suggestion + theme
  • vim
  • tmux
  • alacritty (terminal)
  • ranger
  • suckless tools (dwm + dmenu + slstatus + st)
  • font
  • link and copy all config files
  • homebrew & homecask (package manager for macos) + vimac (vimium for macos)
  • Yabai (window manager for macos)
  • Uebersicht + simple-bar (status bar for macos)
  • skhd (simple hotkey daemon for macos)
  • telegram
  • sxiv (image viewer)
  • cmus (music player)
  • mpv (video player)
  • maim (take screenshoot)
  • cava (console-based audio visualizer)
  • pass (manage all passwords using gpg key)
  • exa (modern version of ls)
  • z (jump around by ranking folder)

More infos!

Install Git on CentOS 7

Create file /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-git.repo with content

name=Wandisco GIT Repository

Then run these commands

$ sudo rpm --import http://opensource.wandisco.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-WANdisco
$ sudo yum install git

Install Terminal & Setup Font

  • On MacOS, we can install iTerm2 for the main terminal
  • On Linux, we can install URXVT, Xterm or Konsole for the main terminal
  • Setup start command of terminal as zsh -c ranger in order to open terminal along with ranger
  • After setup font and terminal successfully on system, remember to change font on terminal to one of powerline-based font.

Fix Arch Linux on Mac compability

  • Delayed lid switch action
  • Set default font, add this to beginning of /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
<!-- Default font (no fc-match pattern) -->
  <edit mode="prepend" name="family">
# list all fonts
$ fc-list
# see current default font
$ fc-match
# see order matching of fonts
$ fc-match -s "San" | less

Use vim combine with IntelliJ IDEA

  • Install vimidea plugin, make sure ~/.ideavimrc is copied
  • Install referencer plugin, change keyboard shortcut for easier to type
  • Create idea bin for vim to interact with IDEA, go to tools -> create command-line launcher

Setup pass

  • Clone pass repository from github to ~/.password-store
  • Export gpg-key from old machine (key-id from gpg --list-keys | grep -n1 topcbl)
gpg --export-secret-keys key-id > private.key
  • Import gpg-key to new machine
gpg --import private.key
  • Trust the new key
gpg --edit-key key-id
gpg> trust

- To change passphrase for the key
gpg --change-passphrase topcbl