A list of npm modules named with a common word.
Total: 1688
A simple route-based ACL component for expressjs.
A/B testing server
A javascript imageboard
Your about page in the terminal
Above is a simple pre function hook written in NodeJS
HTTP Accept-* headers parsing
Provide a skeleton interface for user account login, registration, serialization, and deserialization
An precision calculation for JavaScript and Node.js. supports numbers, decimals, strings, arrays, matrices and expression. 解决 JavaScript 与 Node.js 精度计算(小数、浮点数计算精度)问题。支持数字、小数、字符串、数组、矩阵和表达式。
Node.js implementation of a multi-threaded map() function
An animation engine for the canvas and dom
Cool, simple and fast web framework for NodeJS
Activity Manager for any kind of statuses based on ids
Determine actual @media breakpoints
Actually - the only npm library that is actually, with reasons.
A cross-browser, numerically stable algorithm to add floats accurately
calculates the sum
A blazing fast, dead simple, no-config build system
node-adult is a simple tool for all adult realted things.
quickly hack together a nodeschool adventure
Advice functional mixin based on Twitter's Angus Croll presentation (How we learned to stop worrying and love Javascript).
Affect is a micro abstraction layer for Javascript that simplifies unit testing and monitoring side-effects
Express middlewares for validating incoming data with type inference
after - tiny flow control
Stay tuned!
call function again and again
AGE is an Abstract Gameifiction Engine.
A tool for calculating relative timestamps to now.
Introspectable contracts programming for JavaScript
An experiment with promises
a function package
Lightweight, modular DOM library
Manage offline copies of your favourite websites for when you are on an airplane!
A simple kNN library for Machine Learning, comparing JSON objects using Euclidean distances, returning top k similar objects -- supports normalization, weights, key and filter parameters
A JS implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
callback when all callbacks have fired.
Uses Propex to validate javascript objects
ALMOsT is an AgiLe MOdel Transformation framework for JavaScript
The english alphabet as a string or array, upper and lowercase.
Promise extensions; finally, map, filter, etc
A simple and light way to run a main function asynchronously
Find the substring / element among $start and $end argument.
Amount and currency formatter
journey editor built with react
General purpose command-line tool for A-Frame.
This is a funny project that born angry.
build tool for seajs.
Express-like server response helpers
An exploration into flow based programming.
Returns true
if a value exists in the given string, array or object.
WIP - Proof of concept - Development Framework
Run static file server anywhere
partial function application
Remove properties from a stylesheet
Appearance customization
Applied mathematics toolkit implemented in JavaScript
alloy rendering engine
An improved async-job counter
Rapid frontend development framework for enterprise web application
Check Spec.md for the planned features
Aspect oriented programming for JavaScript
for App style vue/css library.
arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally.
API Builder Tools
Cross-browser Vector Graphics
Analyze a stream of HTML and outsputs the article title, text, and image
as/array and as/object. Convert easily, back and forth.
Run code aside from current execution using JavaScript's macrotask queue.
A simple, chainable way to construct HTTP requests in Node or the browser
Non-blocking sleep in ES7 (or, in ES6, setTimeout as a promise).
Templates with less features but still more than PHP.
Force set value.
Node.js Environment Variable Management
shared, synchronous, independent state for javascript apps
Atomic operations
Basic load tester for HTTP/S servers
Automatically retry functions that fail, in crazily customizable ways.
Detect the dominant palette, salient region and focal point of an image
a simple token and signature creator for OAuth
Scan npm for available package names
Mathematical average. Sum of all values divided by the number of values provided.
Bindable key-value storage
detect when a user is idle on a page
An insanely easy-to-use game engine built on BabylonJS
Simple exponential backoff pulled out of Primus by @3rd-Eden
A CLI tool to execute a command concurrently for a given number of subjects.
Unordered collection
A very simple load balancer based on http-proxy. Intended for testing apps in development.
A node.js module for sending beautiful emails using jade for templates.
Cluster management for nodejs
simple.com API client
Node.js framework for building large modular web applications
The opposite of a framework
A collection of web rendering functions
Fast, atomic persistent storage layer on top of localstorage
Framework for rapidly creating high quality, server-side node.js applications, using plugins like building blocks
simplified runtime requirements
HTTP Basic Auth for Node.js
Basis Design System
Basket Design System
Generate files for an NPM module
node-battle is a client for Blizzard's World of Warcraft Community Web API
Be.js ===== Shakespeare approved!
A small, fast, framework-agnostic event manager
Cli for Bearicorn app
Simple dependency injection for node
Gruntfiles to beautify all kinds of stuff
Beautiful console and strings: colorful && stylized. Use it without doing anything to console
A simple documentation approach
Transform target DOM elements to become incoming HTML
xml build tool write in Node
before decorator factory
A small startup repo for your JavaScript project. Webpack. TypeScript. React. Eslint. Styled-components.
Class for modeling turn-based game behaviors
Figure out if a file is behind its dependencies a la make
a function package
Third-party login plugin for hapi
Lightweight JavaScript library for 2D spatial grid computation, illustration, and analysis
A utility library with unparalleled code cleanliness.
A statically-typed programming language that compiles into JavaScript
Client library for https://beneath.dev
Functional HTTP client for Node.js w/ async/await.
A UI library to make an element beside another
A Binary Expression Tree implementation which can evaluate infix mathematical expressions
better require for load files
generate arbitary strings that sort between two strings
Integrated state-of-the-art technologies with boosted performance. BeyondJS is a framework for building scalable, modular, single page web applications. BeyondJS integrates out-of-the-box, react, mustache, require.js, polymer, less, socket.io, and more.
A data synchronisation library for JavaScript
filter small files and remove/delete them
css selectors for React Elements
boids threejs fly like a lot of birds
simple boilerplate generator
Know when a friend's birthday is coming.
A multi-repository git tool
Lightweight library for bytestring to/from number decoding/encoding, in pure javascript.
Provides functionality missing from JS core in pure and functional style.
Common js functions library
seamless js code coverage
A terminal tool to http://blew.io :3
simple string encryption and hashing for Node
.replace('{{block}}', string)
JavaScript object life
Simple browser wrapper on test framework: mocha
Streaming template engine
A minimalistic dashboard application.
A simple javascript testing framework
Body parsing
web frontend develop toolkit
flexible node.js logging library
Framework for deploying code to AWS API Gateway
Binary object representation notation
ERROR: No README.md file found!
Transport-agnostic logging
Keep window/elements scrolled to bottom based off users intentions
A static publishing system for 'single page' apps.
Broadcast Over WebSocket
Multi process manager for Node.js
Powerful key -> value storage for the CLI.
Easily create new Boy projects.
This package is no longer supported and has been deprecated. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the package name.
branch.js =========
Build Node.js project to a native OS package
Old school web application library
The continuously released community distribution built from the source of Toast. Free for any use.
Fire events when certain media queries are entered and exited due to a window resize
Coffee(script), HAML and a side of SASS.... a single compiler for handling multiple scripting languages.
builds a javascript variable from a template.
a library to write nonblocking, asynchronous JavaScript
Functional async flow control library
SQL query builder for Node.js
Bring your React Native JS code into Node.js and test it mock-free and native code free. Perfect for React Native module developers wanting full CI.
Generate and publish Github pages quickly and easily.
A tiny script language, add async/await support for javascript
A more natural and intelligent way (as opposed to the default 'require' function) to import packages to your nodejs application.
Vowsjs layer for flexible unit and integration tests.
Promises are meant to be broken.
A Vue.js project
Ultra-extendable Mustache-ish template engine on steroids in 620 gzipped kilobytes, need nothing more!
Buffalo is a lightweight BSON and Mongo Wire Protocol library for Node.js
An ant-like build program for node
built.io JavaScript SDK
a buried point abstract interface library
Super lightweight JS module/asset loader
A command-line file sharing tool
Application-wide event bus
Detect if event loop is busy.
If only there was a way to pass along a callback with just a single argument.
Allow any computer user to watch movies easily streaming from torrents, without any particular knowledge.
Select elements by class or id or tag
Cabin is the best JavaScript and Node.js logging service and logging npm package. Cabin is a drop-in replacement and the best alternative to Sentry, Timber, Airbrake, Papertrail, Loggly, Bugsnag, or
whornbill environment utility.
Coffee-Script's Make
HTTP Router
JSON to TypeScript & Usecase & Repository
Just a dead simple package to create readable streams from connected webcams
Streamed Web Server with easy Ajax, EventSource, Templating, Static pages; Middleware approach and extensibility.
MIT-licensed, client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy.
A powerful route design helper for Express.js web applications
Simple error handling, aiding in creating consistently human readable messages without compromising machine processing ability.
A cross-platform binding for performing packet capturing with node.js
Capital Capital!
Coordinate CLI commands with dynamic prompts to make development a breeze
screenshot in node
A library to look up license plates of cars
Middleware based proxy for cluster or table based routing.
Card lets you add an interactive, CSS3 credit card animation to your credit card form to help your users through the process.
A simple way to add careware and donation support to your node.js modules
Validate git branch names according to git-flow
Carry attrs, classes from one element to another.
Extensible string utility for converting, identifying and flipping string case
Attempts to solve the problem of unintuitive data types
Terminal utils for happy scripting
cat will read the contents of an url
catch C++ unit test framework
A spreadsheet-like grid component library.
Avoids UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning and PromiseRejectionHandledWarning
(web) automation framework
Remove critical CSS from your stylesheet after inlining it in your pages
Single unit of I/O computations
Small dollar-wrapper with DOM shortcuts
center an element in window or inside another element.
An isomorphic module project based on Backbone.js
minimal pid 1 process
An Assertion Library
A microframework for handling async JS
Subjective CouchDB client that wraps nano
Javascript modules for the node and the browser
Chance - Utility library to generate anything random
a tardis for timelords and native time travel
Watching file
, dir
or link
changing, using interval timer.
Javascript Components
Identify agents in the world, and track their memories
feature flag util
A bundle of useful middleware and other tools for serving static sites
event based time series charting API
Check configurations completeness
express middleware that serves a browserified script
JavaScript interface for chemicals
The easy metafile manager
A command line tool that lets you run chicken scripts
Polyglot Server Application Running
Minimalistic nodejs process manager. Similar to forever-monitor
Concurrent tasks computation among nodejs child processes
A module for working with selections in contenteditable areas.
compute the binomial coefficients, n C k
Easy and beautiful CLI multiple-choice selection
Church encoding utility library for JavaScript
Webpack Versioned Component Plugin
An MVC-based web application framework. Includes routing, serving, caching, and other helpful tools.
The City API returns the city from a latitude and longitude using spatial mapping and data anlysis.
A simple yet powerful Ruby-like Class inheritance system
A Ruby-like implementation for ES5
Http Debug Tool
clean parses and sanitize argv for node, supporting fully extendable types, shorthands, validatiors and setters.
Clear the terminal screen if possible
Eve magic for console / prompt interaction
climb is a tool to filter JSON by attributes and array indexes
clock interface for inversion-of-control
a function package
Clojure parser and core library in JavaScript, compatible with the Mozilla Parser API.
Cloth is a simple thread pool and task queue for Node.
base ui lib
Control cloud with command line
A module for learning perfose
Full Stack Web Framework for Node.js
Mysql ORM base on knexjs
Open-source, full-stack, convention over configuration, hypermedia api framework.
A web framework with async/await for node
Test command line on Node.js.
collect a bunch of streams and wait til they've finished
College Information
In-browser network graphs representing the links between your Node.js code and its dependencies.
Color conversion and manipulation with CSS string support
Column for writting
Create combinations from object tree
JavaScript combine and CSS combine
a function package
A chainable, promise-based utility for running commands with child_process.spawn
A utility package with some useful functional stuff
setup and run your own company
Compare primitives the right way (using <
, >
and ==
Compass for node.js
tab completion CLI programs
Do calculations with Complex numbers
compose =======
Compose generator and async/await middleware
CompoundJS - MVC framework for NodeJS
Advanced condition library
Broadcast/Multicast/Unicast discovery and communication library. Sets up and maintains connections between two or more nodes over a network. Supports discovery and message passing between individual or all nodes.
Error first callback for listening on the server.
Exploration of an assertion lib that doesn't throw exceptions, but settles the score in afterEach
tiny library for working with consonants
Parse constant definition files and put them into a frozen object
🚧 Interface with binary structures in Javascript, built for network protocols.
Restrict content to within a target container using letterboxing or pillarboxing
security holding package
Monitor merge requests to continuous deployment
Determine if the given color is light or dark
Scripted asynchronous control of remote machines in parallel via ssh
v0.2.1Coming soon
Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip.
Package for coolfileuploads.biz
UI library based on ore.
Copy files or directories using globs.
Corn is a simple async template language for node
Library of less-mixins and tools.
Simple JavaScript validation module
A CLI tool for checking the size of files, after minification and gzipping.
Cotton sandbox
ACL. support Javascript(& Typescript).
A tiny javascript library to count in natural language e.g. Zero, One, Two, Three.. up to 999,999,999,999,999.
Minor utility library allowing us to get ISO code for country.
Couple is an event based collaboration of NodeJS, Express, Socket.IO, Jade and Stylus
say greeting
A framework-independent express-like router
Native JavaScript code coverage
copy on write deep, cyclic js objects
A pluggable parallel execution framework written in Node.js
Really simple XML parsing
Extending Coffeescripts' primitive objects to be more like Rails'
The missing Native.create() functions that ECMA forgot.
Identify agents in the world, and track their memories
crew makes managing Docker a breeze.
Crop widget
cross product of 3-dimensional vectors
DIY crowd-funding
crypto from the command line
Typechecking module.
Easily consume a Google Plus user's activity feed.
Vector drawing library
Type validator for node.js and the browser through browserify
Aspect-oriented (AOP) helper for sync or async code
daily - A LevelDB based logging system
A simple way to calculate the 'damage' of running a task in Node.JS.
Dancing Links
Unit tests for Team Culture
Create dangerous React components
the complete solution for node.js command-line programs
Date and Time tools for Browser JavaScript and Node.js
dawn cli
About days.
NodeJS Dealer
oauth verification
Gracefully cleanup when termination signals are sent to your process.
A very dramatic console decider
Return the first argument that is "!= undefined" (or "!= null", which is the same thing)
Utilities for manipulating nested data structures
A toolkit for deep structure manipulations, provides deep merge/clone functionality out of the box, and exposes hooks and custom adapters for more control and greater flexibility.
Some description
Class definition helper which closely maps to ES6 classes.
Development server for virtual-dom/observable components
Dependency injection system.
Returns the depth of a file or directory, e.g. number of folders deep.
An extremely lightweight method for running tests.
Describe things with design.json
Desk.com Multipass SSO
Details and Markdown viewer of your node packages/projects
variable validation
DevelopJS is a Nodejs MVC framework packed with Active Record, ORM, routing & robust cli interface
nodejs module to allow for automated tasks on remote server like git pull, npm install and other tasks
draw diagrams
Diameter base protocol implementation
A command line interface to idonethis.
Application and asset management to die for.
Diff and patch Javascript objects
Calculate the difference of two arrays
A module for parsing git diffs
Evaluating English word difficulty using word frequency data
Graph algorithms
DOM-based routing/execution script
Detect directionality: left-to-right, right-to-left, or neutral
Like Promise.all, only less so
Directory traversal made easy
A tiny & fast key value store with append-only disk log. Ideal for apps with < 1 million records.
A Vue.js project
Node discovery based on Kademlia DHT protocol
Discovery provides dynamic service discovery over a pluggable interface.
miniature in-memory http cache optimized for serving buffers or strings
Coffeescript and Javascript string distance calculations.
Divides an array into 2 or more arrays given a ratio.
Simple yet powerful wrapper over node.js cluster API. This module is inspired by impressive, but abandoned project Cluster created by TJ Holowaychuk.
The simplest way to manage asynchronicity
Create documentation from or otherwise analyze/transform JavaScript source.
For expectations
Developer blOG, markdown based, made to be simple and fast, yet feature rich.
a cli todo list designed for geeks
Base set of tools for any node project.
Web scraper with a jQuery like wrapper
is a command line tool to help standardize release.
EIP for JavaScript, node style
This package name is not currently in use, but was formerly occupied by a popular package. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the package name, but loosely, and we'll probably give it to you if you want it.
Concise and fast javascript templating compatible with nodejs and other javascript environments
Checks entity if array, arguments, iterable or array-like.
Yes, staring at your console while github's down is definitely time well spent. Oh, and it works with other site too!
CAD for canvas
Node.js JSON rest server
missing javascript prototypes(experimental)
Apply a query to a language cut up in chunks, or tokens, so you can find certain structures with ease and analyze or rewrite them.
Terminal Application Helper for Sessions and More.
web application framework
Model Driven Things
Old driver take you fly.
node.js ripple client
Template engine with support for block helpers, advanced inheritance features, and more.
Rich matchers inspired by Hamcrest. Useful for generating helpful assertion failure messages in tests.
A simpler alternative to Promises in Javascript
Playing around to build a riak-like distributed leveldb
Chainable async utilities for collections and arrays
Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js
Ridiculously simple Javascript job queue
Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function
Eagerly assigning multiple (highly-relative) values into one map.
Manage and call change listeners
minimal and fast loading plugin for startup time measuring
Lotion coins validator reward middleware
An animation of Earth
node.js database migration tool for mongodb, sqlite, postgres, mysql, couchbase
Elements that abstract away from the DOM.
Encrypted Authentication Tokens
Edge.js: run .NET and Node.js in-process on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
Apply some effects on images using node js
effort project
A web framework's framework for Node.js
A browser fingerprinting library
one either one or the other event do something once
Static generator using soy templates and metal.js.
An alternative to the built-in Express middleware for serving static files. Electricity follows a number of best practices for making web pages fast.
Create's DOMElement from a string
A fast & memory-efficient data structure that cat tell if it saw a string before
Turns it up to eleven
a function package
Utility that provides different types of empty objects.
a Realtime BaaS like Firebase by Socket.io and MongoDB
Simple cross-platform event emitter
Template engine based on Lo-Dash template, but adds features like the ability to register helpers and more easily set data to be used as context in templates.
Powerful plugin system for writing large and extensible NodeJS applications
a MVC built on hapi
Event trigger router, like hash route
simplified restful web framework
Provides node's process.env
object functionality as stand-alone functions instead of a C++ fake object that does weird things. As an added bonus, if running node with Proxies enabled ("node --harmony") it also exports a function that creates an Environment
object that is similar to process.env
but behaves like a real object.
Strict equality evaluation with support for circular structures.
Method to deeply compare two Javascript Objects for equality.
An equipment lending service
library for escape the variables
Abstract operations and other functions drawn from the ECMAScript specification
Streaming all the way down
Establish, a nodejs stupid simple git and ssh based deployment tool.
Get the even numbered items from an array.
A light weight bundle to create elegant web applications
Functional reactive style events
Event based utilities
dom events with a node-style EventEmitter api
an event emitter for integer-based millisecond steps
A beautiful Vue.js UI
npm install everything
Make app specific files accessible everywhere w/o globals and w/o requires needing crazy, repetitive relative paths. Think singleton or global w/o the stigma. Simple, consistent and resistant to refactoring.
Track the history of an object.
A low-boilerplate solution for building isomorphic apps with (ex)press and re(act).
A hacky wrapper around npm to shrinkwrap by content hash
assert + error-first callback
ERROR: No README.md file found!
"Make a spreadsheet, you say? Style it nicely and use a pre-existing template too? All in node.js/io.js? Yessir!"
A function that returns a copy of the plain object given as first argument but without the keys provided as the other argument(s)
a exchange market for NPM
self fliter usage
Just pure excitement
hands on nodejs exercises/experments
This package exports the expect
function used in Jest. You can find its documentation on Jest's website.
Easily share express, socket.io and sessions between multiple web-applications.
logic explain engine
A fancy logging tool
Explore a file structure.
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
a simple boolean expression engine using reparse
parse extra arguments to a command after "--"
CLI tool to run commands when files change
Build CLI apps with joy
Templates as data
factor numbers
Quick and easy template scaffolding for Node
Another experimental series and parallel control flow node library
Responsive mobile-friendly dropdowns.
Familiar is a command line-based 'helper' for Git.
Process creator, manager, communicator for local and remote processes.
Famous Engine =================
Find and run node.js files.
HTTP/HTTPS server farm made easy
Node clustered process management tool
streaming JSON RPC over TCP
Faster way to reload your web project on all connected devices
Framework for processing feeds
Library toolkit based on rollup, docz, storybook, jest and eslint.
Get a website's favicon.
Build Better APIs, Faster than Ever.
Granular Feature Detection for Browsers
Development tool for web, support http server and freemarker.js and http proxy.
Feed is a RSS, Atom and JSON feed generator for Node.js, making content syndication simple and intuitive!
Feel server shell
config goes in, feature-enabled goes out
A simple javascript logging framework.
Fellow is a package for creating people that can be unified by their shared values via a singleton list on the class
Ondemand bundler for ES6 / CSS Next
minimal yet very useful synchronization primitive on top of jQuery Deferreds
Write asynchronous code in a synchronous fashion
A minimal ORM for Node.js.
Easily set, get, stub values of a field in a JavaScript object.
a proportional typeface for source code
CommonJS Figure Drawer. Imports and Exports a variety of 3D models.
Templating with nothing but javascript objects and HTML.
module for browser webcam/mic
A set of tools for writing JavaScript code once that runs on the command line, browser, and more.
sane flow control library
Find files or directories by name
Tiny, recursive and synchronous file finder utility
Delay finish
and end
events from a Duplex
stream until both of them have been emitted from their Writable
and Readable
Urls matching&building like a boss
Provides a single callback for multiple asynchronous calls
A Firebase model library for Ember.js
A library to look up firm registry info
A tiny control-flow library for node
jQuery of filesystem for Node.js
Gives you five
FIX Protocol library
Feature flagging made easy for React and Redux
Single-state-tree immutable Flux with Stores
Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it, or unflatten an object with delimited keys
A tiny web framework
Simple flat file database
Simple wrapper for basic arithmetic
Floors the given value to the specified number of decimal places.
Flow-JS makes it easy to express multi-step asynchronous logic in Node or the browser
Collection of stream classes and functions
For back-end development
Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
unicode characters are tasty food for programs! feed your apps some emojis
socks and shoes
Markdown presentations in your terminal
jade in client runtimejs with Cortex module
force.js is a REST API wrapper for force.com, database.com, and salesforce.com
Asnyc map that actualy works. Parallel and Series
UI engine for web
Mocking for commonjs dependencies
Forgot the exceptions function throws, just go on
Form processor for filter and validation form data
Populate html form elements with data and return updated object
sort, min, and max by a transform function
Forth programming environment
Forward request to a special path
Extensible route-based routing for React applications
FOUR is a generalized library for time/space analysis. It allows you to build an array of time/space data and analyze it for patterns.
A set of CRM building packages
Persisted boilerplates for all your projects
Parses the output of Linux's free
Embracing a distributed web
Execute a function every so often or on demand, while avoiding race conditions. Great for implementing "save in background" and other polling operations.
HTTP response freshness testing
A no-frills ORM that wraps your data and helps you compose objects. Define relationships between models, expand and collapse their properties, build streams and link data from multiple sources.
wip, private currently.
Easy way to make a Readable Stream
DSL-based proxy forwarder.
Provides functionality for freezing time and dates
A Node.JS ORM for both SQL and NoSQL databases
Client for ExactTarget's Fuel REST APIs
Fulltext search DSL
A programming language for realtime web applications
Function utilities.
Funny, a jolly helper for functions.
Quick generator for banner, favicon, etc...
MVC for Vs
A lightweight library on Node.js
The promise / subscribe / deferred module of FuturesJS (Ender.JS and Node.JS)
A simple library for checking to see if you have declared dependencies that you're not using in a Node.js project
A simple adventure game
a simple data file store
A styleguide based on Leroy Merlin needs
Garbage Aggregation System
Convenient state container for React
An utility to await multiple asynchronous calls in Node environment
Defer function execution until all its arguments are ready
Polyglot Server Application Running
Gentle -- (Development) ===================
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/felixge/node-gently.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/felixge/node-gently) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/gently.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gently) [![Dependency Status](httpsA slightly higher-level HTTP client for node.
Type-safe get for an optional property at a nested level
Full-featured SPA framework
a Git wrapper library
git-based node.js version manager
Write super-dry specs with lazily evaluated spec setup!
A robust Node Js API framework.
Code for readability
Location-based resourcing of 3D map geometry
Create and use boilerplates with ease
goes, Golang like channels, goroutine and go for ES2015.
Management and monitoring UI for apps built with Lighter
Perform massive parallel computations in Node.js with GPGPU.
Server and process monitoring plugin
Goose is a command which adds brackets for golang
Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
grabs emails and pulls attachments and dumps into a folder.
Run benchmark files and gather reports.
Grain is an async framework for node.js template languages
library for manipulating directed and undirected graphs
A greedy, streaming lexer written in vanilla Javascript
namely space stuff through time
Collection of grayscale variables for prototyping.
Another task runner with js
Comparison operators for JavaScript
Find the largest number in a list
Neatly construct nodejs console arguments as an object.
vanilla JS tree-viewer
A framework work with sails and backbone.
A fair grouping mechanism for tournaments
A declarative, file-based website generator for rapid website production.
Experimental DSL for web-apps
ES6+ stack of small libraries to create reusable modules and scalable applications
Trivial guard: triggers callback when internal counter reaches 0.
It's an numbers guessing algorithm within a range, compatible with JavaScript and NodeJS.
Encrypted Globally Unique Identifier generator.
transport-agnostic operational transformation control layer
A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph data synchronization engine.
A simple static site generator powered by nunjucks, LESS, and markdown.
Result/Error holder and helper
Hybrids Application Light Framework
Functional Javascript Library
Unified http router middleware
Element grabber
Handle events on elements
Force the supplied callback in to async execution
real browser events
Small and nice PubSub and event bus library with custom scheduler support.
Happy simplifies your day-to-day git workflow
TCP port availability and assignment utility.
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call shortcut
generate random IDs and avoid collisions
Have your arguments, and validate it too. -- Slick arguments validator for all your js functions.
static website builder for node
A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support.
This package name is not currently in use, but was formerly occupied by another package. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the package name, but loosely, and we'll probably give it to you if you want it.
Resource status monitoring library.
a little database tool
Frontrange HEAT Client
Measure process load
Get the height the element should be
Detect paths within an object which held external references.
Write less. Ship more.
substack way of --help
Helpful functions for Express
A High-performence Enhanced Rendering solution - Hao123前端高性能渲染解决方案
A simple wrapper over node cluster for zero-downtime reloads
here-document on node.js
Cross browser Element#hidden
Open source, AES-256 bit encrypted password manager with all encrypted passwords stored locally on your machine.
high is a JavaScript library
Higher order functions for functional programming
A simple and multi-purpose router.
creates an HTML fragment from a JSON object
Yet another Javascript Application Framework
Human Input Simulation (HIS) attempts to emulate human interactions
Manage session history with JavaScript
Realtime events with Redis
Ensures async function is only called once and caches results for other calls.
Async friendly, stream-based task consuming utility in Node.js
hollow(treehole),publish secret by anonymous.
Gets the home dir or resolves home directories.
Simple and powerful NodeJS data validation library
Native implementation of CommonJS Promises/A
simple configaration HTTPServer with features as flex-combo proxy, file local map, request mock and so on
isomorphic app core
node.js template engine
Full ISO 8601 compatible parser.
A home for your website, apps & data.
A library for modelling and accessing data.
Microservices orchestration framework for node.js
A Homo Sapien javascript object
hung is just my name
Hungry feed parser
High level nodejs framework build on top of expressjs, mongoose, sequilize, socketio and passportjs
placeholder module for testing
Library for parallel execution
invokes a function if it's taking too long
HTTP and SPA routing using RFC 6570 URI templates
Ice for JavaScript runtime
A lightweight CLI tool and module for keeping ideas in a safe place quick and easy.
Identity client
Conditional branching for node.js
This is a node.js module that unifies node-png, node-gif and node-jpeg modules.
A Command line interface for use the Imagine SmartCompiler
Permutation feature importance
add static file a concat syntax.
Impossible is an Object Oriented JavaScript library for building cross-platform terminal (and web) apps. This package contains the core components. It can be replaced with individual packages for production builds.
Plugin loader. Plays with Ware
Convert inch to cm, ft and yd.
Require local files relative to the root of your node project.
Alternative to minimist
Boolean helpers for node.js
Change relative requires to import actual modules
Fade effect and arrows for responsive tables and iframes with no dependencies.
Garantueed individual values
Factory toolkit for node testing suites
Define factories from ES6 classes and immutably manipulate the class inheritance chain.
An algorithm for ranking content by relative value
information data storage
require() relative to the path inside your module.
Get an instance back
drop-in replacement for connect.static with live-reload support
In-place merge-and-replace
Tool to capture calls to Node.js native modules
Scss & flexbox layout system.
Chainable async utilities for collections and arrays
A tiny library to compose reusable web components using SSR and Progressive Enchancement.
Encapsulated tokens (encrypted and mac'ed objects)
the definitive JavaScript type testing library
A package suite for building microservice using TypeScript.
A testing framework for node
Preconditions for safe coding
An even quicker way to create functions!
Mock framework for Node.js and the browser.
Basic cookie handling
Bring your React Native JS code into Node.js and test it mock-free and native code free. Perfect for React Native module developers wanting full CI.
Job is a module that allows other modules to expose delayed jobs. For example, instead of mailer.sendRegistrationEmail, you can do mailer.delay.sendRegistrationEmail.
The join / synchronize module of FuturesJS (Browser, Node.js, Bower, and Pakmanager)
This is a simple code for getting the joined date for a github user
liberal JSON-only HTTP request routing for node
Delighfully simple schema validation.
Test your Node.js package against different versions of dependencies.
autosuggest change directory
The Jungle project command line tool, for managing jungle projects.
JavaScript template engine
Checks if the file exists.
A tiny little keycode library
A simple JavaScript toolkit for kids.
Kill Process
A node.js type detection and comparison library
It's Just Our Kitchen !
Parse shitty JSON!
A data structure cache that knows what it doesn’t know.
Front-end knowledge hierarchy (zh-CN)
Allow only access to known object properties using ES2015 Proxy
Generate easy to remember random identifiers
Worker pool of Web Workers and tools for message passing.
whistle extension tools
terse wrapper for async/await
coming soon
a very oppinionated make-based build tool for complex and modular web applications that run on NodeJS
Cleware power switch command line controller
Landing page effects
DSLs for the washed masses
Mongo for ES2015
this is a test,output larger number.
A small helper for getting only the last result of an asynchronous operation you perform multiple times in a row.
load you a directory full of templates for great justice
Determine later (or previous) occurrences of recurring schedules
Tools to create policy and validations for services.
Node.js tools
A package to help layered architecture for node.js
Sink your streams.
zookeeper based election
Simple, chronological signal trees
A tool for making learning exercises
Helpful functions for working with most streams
Console.log and leave
LED control on Linux boards
extreme simple way to addEventListener
lig leg log
Time lengths for humans
Fight legacy systems with style.
A realtime framework built on socket.io
Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapper (a convenience package bundling LevelUP & LevelDOWN)
A basic but performant promise implementation
tiny update function for life-like cellular automata
lifting code to the client: dual side templating made easy
a modern framework
build a regex from user input for filtering data
Recommendation engine for Node.js applications.
Compose $aggregate MongoDB queries for Mongoose as if $push had a $limit operator.
Control flow like a boss
A hostile and aggressive simplistic router for Node.js.
Listener Plug Service : unified interface for subscribing to events emitted by a variety of services
Node.js port of the Liquid template engine
Fast purely functional immutable lists.
Wait for the results of multiple callbacks
provides shortcuts to req and res, and their methods
Runs all the Live ecosystem plugins found in your app.
Observes if web services are still alive.
Load plain JavaScript files that don't use module patterns directly in node.
Beautiful localization library for node.js
A URL to object map for minimalist routing.
A Browser-esque location object
Universal pluggable logging utility
Test Google+ Hangouts apps all by your lonesome
A Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement integer value.
Performance profiler based on nodetime
Provide clean communication between web components and user interface
LostGrid is a powerful grid system built in PostCSS that works with any preprocessor and even vanilla CSS.
Chainable async utilities for collections and arrays
Web accessibility testing helper
The next-gen front-side development platform
a templating driven low-code framework for rapid systems development
my lowercase function
a lucky module
CLI tool to measure the state of your luck, at the moment
Random lunch generator
Build functions in standardized containers.
machinery is simple state machine
Markdown manpages
A simple reactive build tool
jamstack generator. html + css + js boilerplate: ~15kb.
A modern approach for async microservices in node.js
This SMTP client library for Node.JS helps you send email safely and easily.
main entry point
Make like Task runner
Web Manager for Github Projects and Issues
Creating web resources has never been so easy
call a function oncee or many times
Functional map
Unobtrusive object tracking system
mcss function collection
functions to help you interact with files
A framework to build applications in node
A lightweight implementation of Material Design Components - ES6
An example of creating a package
Flexible front matter parser
About May
Maybe monad for JavaScript
Markdown editor
Creates scss, html, and js files via command line from set templates.
Mean interval
Like the Did you mean?
in git for npm
Measure the duration of JS code segments and keep stats
Meeting room kiosk app for displaying meeting room schedules and booking rooms in your organization. Built against Google Apps, but other sources can be defined.
Provides a way to start multiple tasks with a single callback when all are finished
a Express middleware for managing distributed user sessions
Node.js module to grab your current memory usage in various formats
Module based Express framework by Node.js
A react/webpack server framework with almost no setup.
Simple node module for retrieving Irish weather information from the MET service
Core functions from Metal.js, with utilities for dealing with arrays, objects and others.
Functional polymorphic method dispatch
fake data generator, 支持汉字
Combining two streams
Do things, maybe.
Matrix computation in JavaScript
Dipendency injection container
A Mustache implementation written in CoffeeScript
Readable milliseconds for you and other humans.
mind is lightweight asynchronous persistence layer for node
Digs into a javascript file looking for require calls. Used to statically extract common js dependencies.
ERROR: No README.md file found!
Check that all modules in node_modules are included in package.json
Common used tasks in Web development
create error objects
Mix properties into objects with ease.
Heterogeneous cluster task manager
Datastore-agnostic ORM in JavaScript
Modern Design System
Modular web application architecture
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
JavaScript currency conversion library.
A stupid template engine.
Get the name or number of the current month or any month of the year.
Give some mood to your code with a finite state machine
The minimal & fast library for functional user interfaces
LESS is More!
Monadic streams
Very small library to assist with feature flipping.
The Motion library for the web
A UI library.
Deliver backbone applications on the backend!
A high quality mouse event binding library that treats the mouse like a first class citizen object.
and yet another template engine
A programming language
attempt at making a framework
A tiny library to make html node movable.
A package manager for browser-side JavaScript
A layer on top of Backbonejs to bring more control to views and a better integration between views and models/collections
Search and Control Music via the CLI
(WIP) Compose music with machine learning.
Testing and assertion library with friendly BDD syntax — awesome.must.be.true(). Many expressive matchers and is test runner and framework agnostic. Follows RFC 2119 with its use of MUST. Good and well tested stuff.
my JavaScript module system
allows requiring of the current module by the name specified in the package.json
ES.next private name objects shim
Minimalist state management
Native MontageJS components.
General natural language (tokenizing, stemming (English, Russian, Spanish), part-of-speech tagging, sentiment analysis, classification, inflection, phonetics, tfidf, WordNet, jaro-winkler, Levenshtein distance, Dice's Coefficient) facilities for node.
Natural language interface for Flowed
Classify the things in your world and how they interact.
Like indexOf but looks at surrounding items
Finds elements in an array that are within a given distance threshold.
get the nearest X minutes from a given time
A light and powerful data flow with React
A collection of utility functions.
A multi-browser test tool that fills the gap between headless and head-only browser-driven tests
Very simple dependency injection for js
The leanest and most handsome HTTP client in the Nodelands.
Require multiple modules in node.js.
Parse object to cli arguments.
npm publish test
Sharing objects between multiple NodeJS instances over TCP.
a simple plug-in based monitoring system
A Node HTTP client aimed at REST API's.
A function that throws when called, use with nullish coalescing to elide unexpected nullish values
Shell script using initializr/html5boilerplate API to quickly generate project setups.
Hacker news and reddit in the CLI.
Ultimate Logging
The React Framework
Component-based (instead of template-based) views for CoffeeScript
Nothing here yet
A use of angular framework to write the news system
Collection of noise functions
Simple. Elegant. Flexible. Nothing.
no ordinary object notation
A lightweight module pattern library providing mixin inheritance, encapsulation, and pub-sub eventing
framework for fast develop realtime applications on websocket
Who knows. Maybe another JS framework?
Returns the negation of a function
Encode your data without syntax.
Notification controller for JavaScript
Make 0-dependencies javascript code.
A communicator.
Load and use plugins to manipulate objects. Load locally defined plugins, or define a namespace to automatically load plugins from node_modules. Easy to use and extend.
The command-line interface for Vercel
Number utility functions. Inspired by the ruby Integer object.
Format and manipulate numbers.
Reactive template compiler for javascript apps
JavaScript object utilities library
A powerful, pragmatic implementation of the observer pattern for javascript objects and arrays.
Obtain provides a require interface relative to your project's root.
Alternative event lib
Mesh Processing
type checking
Observable functions
attach cancelable event listeners
Parse office documents (doc, docx, xls, etc..)
Officer is a schema-based JavaScript object validator and transformer.
I'm working on this, I promise
Makes running with engine.io a little slicker
Make the 'new' keyword optional for ES6 classes
on.js is a tiny custom event library
Run a function exactly one time
Browser application cache. It guarantees entity uniqueness across the entire cache.
return whitelisted properties of an object
Event and code flow framework.
Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
Container for user-specified callbacks that allows for operation user-specific context object.
this is my opinion on koa and stuff
Action execution control via requirements and conditions
Returns an element from an array when it matches a condition
General toolkit for JavaScript. General like Orange Juice.
The Orbit CLI is used to develop and deploy apps with Orbit. The apps can run in a couple ways:
handle ordered async lists
A fork of feross/standard with some legit tweaks
A module for common functions for accessing usergrid to be used other modules like discovery
Organizer and optimizer Node.js applications using AMD concepts
Generate the origin from an URL or check if two URL/Origins are the same
Other experiments in code for fun and practice.
This module combines your underlying Node.js runtime's assert module's assertions with the pleasant diffing output from the ava test runner (which is actually powered by [concordance](h
Write formatted output to STDERR (other alternative channels)
This is a small package to connect your node application to your slack or rocket.chat server and send your logs to specific channels or users.
Outline is an extensible text-editor that provides reliable, accessible and performant typing experiences.
Expose the dedicated worker api as a duplex stream for use inside the worker.
JavaScript function overloading framework.
Simple propertiesObject
creation for use with Object.create()
A permission control library for node.js
Oxygen Web Framework
lightweight rectangle packer
Easy package.json exports.
Tiny client-side router
Paid API Library. See https://www.paidapi.com for more details.
paint is paint in your terminal
Encode key/value pairs for LevelDB-style database storage in a Strata b-tree.
A dead-simple, fat-free, schema validator. Edit
Touch enabled implementation of WHATWG drag and drop mechanism.
The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting
Paragraph publishing platform.
CLI tool to execute shell commands in parallel, based on GNU parallel command
base class
CLI and API for getting and setting package.json
values. Useful for quickly changing values or copying values to the keyboard.
This micro library encourages functional programming by making native methods available as partially applied functions.
Particles platform
a particle engine
Simple, extensible, multipart payload encoder and decoder that complies with the official RFC grammar.
Utilities for JavaScript
Multipart parser for node
Apache htpasswd password generator/validator
simple composable routing middleware
A simple opiniated event sourcing library for Node.js that quickly gets you started
Node.JS path module
Simple Prototype Objects as Patterns.
You can't have peace without good tests
A better Markdown previewer
Useful collection of functions that make vanilla JS DOM work more convenient.
Populate a JSON object, save it, change it, send it, validate it, and more
Composition/chaining for forward-passing transformer functions
Percent control done right
PERFect, simple JavaScript PERFormance tests
A bloom filter with pluggable hashing designed for serialization.
Find out who a person is given an email address
Analyze text/html for key words and phrases and expand their meaning
catgirl petting cli
A describer.
virtual physical network infrastructure layer interface
require-hook for instrumenting your code
A simple library for picking random elements of arrays
Data visualization
The Portable Interaction Elements framework CLI
Piece HTML5 Framework for Mobile
This is the JavaScript part of Pig which acts as a thin layer between your JavaScript application logic and your native UI code.
A parallel middleware handler for use in concert with stack
Pilot is a small library used in the creation of Ace editor.
A logging utility.
A presentation tool.
Pipe streams together with a more awesome syntax, like a | b | c | pipe(process.stdout)
Empower HTML5 presentations
replace data in file
A simple, minimalistic, an easy-on-the-eyes coding color scheme.
execute a complicated dependency graph of tasks with smooth progress events
A pure asynchronous Framework based on nodejs module 'events' let you play the code
collaboratively edit anything
simple and fast multi-paradigm streaming templating
Fluent API for maleable data
A javascript templating language
Unobtrusive templating for the flatiron framework
play sound files from node.js to your speakers, simple as cake and kid approved!
Next-generation ES6 HTTP framework. Asynchronous and lightweight.
Easily create globally accesible aliases.
Render a Twig template for every row of a CSV
rule-based plural library
Enhanced Array-like Objects support, Array iteration methods for plain Objects and more
A simple, small, file system-based data store for Node.js.
quick and easy blog module
Out-of-the-box framework for NodeJS Microservices
Unified, Observable Touch and Mouse Events
Poll for async resources with an evented interface
policing tool for dependency package versions
Lightweight yet powerful schema validator
Collect a stream into a buffer.
send email
HTTP client pools.
Mocha tests in all browsers
security holding package
Genetic algorithm
Promise Orchestrator: Process promise-based tasks in series and parallel, controlling concurrency and throttling
Spawn Pd (Pure Data) and communicate through TCP sockets
简单实用的定位工具,将一个 DOM 节点相对于另一个 DOM 节点进行定位操作。
A yes/no question prompt.
A monad-like object that may possibly have a value, an error, timeout, or a captured throw.
Option structure in JavaScript
Emitter-like component to create safe cross origin communication
Like a small bucket. Really tiny, in memory, KISS keystore for node.js.
Asset Manager for NodeJS/Express
pour is lightweight particle system.
static site generator
Thanks for installing Tower and using it to build an application! You can read this file for more information on how to get started. You can also read the website we've made: http://towerjs.org. There are also plenty of screencasts here: http://towerjs.org/screencast.
A utility library for high-quality JavaScript/TypeScript.
Practical ActiveRecord for DynamoDB
A simple task manager and to do list using the console and leveldb
PHP for today's web: simple server-side JavaScript execution
High-res timestamps in Node and browser
Execute commands with privileges!
Compress multiple js and css files into single compressed files.
Pressure is a lightweight JavaScript library for both Force Touch and 3D Touch through a single API.
Some tweaks for beautifying HTML with js-beautify according to my preferences.
Framework for server-rendered Preact.js applications.
A library to look up prices in stores
LGBTQ.technology is a community group for queer people in tech worldwide
Reproduce images from geometric primitives.
Async-friendly subclassing and option management
Utility for associating truly private state with any JavaScript object
Lean mean and fast DOM selection, traversal, validation, styling, effects and animation JavaScript tool.
Do something... probably
A Deeply Configurable, Multi-Linugal JSON Object Literal Validation
process information for node.js and browsers
A multi-rule multi-purpose source/target agnostic configurable transformer
Curried calculation of the product of multiplying multiplicand and multiplier.
Minification module for production
Script for managing your directory full of programming projects
Flexible ascii progress bar
from Node-style callback API to promise API
Property Manager utility
get properties from JavaScript objects, nicely
Getter-setter wrapper with change notification
a function package
Collects NPM download stats for a developer
A UNIX way test non-framework for the meticulous programmer who is also very lazy.
Middleware for "providing" resources from controllers.
Run http server hosting static files with specified public dir & port
Little tool to pull repos from GIT. It was built to provide an API similiar to arca
A string-based JavaScript validation library.
PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine, keep your HTML clean of any logic
High Performance Isomorphic React Framework
A standard way to style your React components.
➫ deploy static content with ease
Pack multibyte binary values into buffers
Get the quarter of the year a date is in
A platform for running scripts on many browsers
Micro library to ask things to user from shell.
QuickJS is a declarative language engine to run inside a browser. The node module contains the offline compiler.
Quickly setup dependent services and servers for local development
Loads and saves json data from/to fs
Static site builder in Node.js.
RabbitMQ powered distributed job management.
Restarts a given node script until it fails.
A small dependency-free publish/subscribe (pub/sub) javascript library
Build Node REST API's with the annoying stuff already done for you.
A component-based and distributed web application framework
Send a signal to the current process (see raise(3))
Cmd-Tool to run any node.js task anywhere
Coming soon
A simple library for range(a, b, step).
This helper can help you set your API routes/actions rapidly based on Express.js
A rating system library.
Plain HTML templating with connect assets and env support
Easy raycasting
safely retrieve nested object keys
read(1) for node programs
An article and content extractor for the server.
mixin to add one-time ready event callback handler
Web components framework that using in server-side render. Ω support IE6 +
Realization phrase runner.
Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems
Simple library for tracing Node.js programs with Google's Trace Event
launch an HTTP file upload server from the command line
Filter an object to return the most recent values.
Helper to get the last time something happened
Client for solving services using node.js
The canonical implementation of the node-task Record specification.
RED is a scalable real time application framework with cross browser fallbacks
redux-like library for handling global state on functional style
A helper to work with rectangular regions in the DOM
A collection of Javascript regular expressions
Unopinionated ORM for relational databases
Liberate the package.json "main" property from its inflexible standard interpretation.
Markdown parser, done right. 100% Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one.
Persist gossip (scuttlebutt, crdt, etc)
Sync and async rm -r.
create repeating task chains
Command line search and replace utility
Log a message to the console and capture the stdin that is replied.
Report test results to npm's test result listings
Simple wrapper for the represent.opennorth.ca data API
javascript module management! brings node's require statement to the browser
debug object function research
Comparison plugin for BDD assertion libraries (chai, should)
RESTful HTTP client library
reify your results
Regression testing visual review tool
A rhyming dictionary
Data Structures and Algorithms implemented in Reason
This is Rice
JavaScript’s missing stdlib
Monkey-patching/overriding/hooking library
right =====
Ring.js - JavaScript Class System with Multiple Inheritance
Rise CLI
rising is a framework targeted for new programmers.
SQL Query language over unbounded event streams
A route helper for express.
Generate and scaffold file structures or project skeletons from templates.
The rapid development framework for node.js
Full-featured, middleware-oriented, hackable HTTP and WebSocket proxy
rod is a simple http transfer agent that supports https/gzip/deflate and follows redirects, it also can run in a fiber.
node.js package for rolling dice and adding modifiers. ex: 2d6+1
Roof 是一个能帮助你构建高质量单页应用的前端框架,它擅长于管理应用数据和逻辑。特别适用于数据概念多、业务逻辑复杂的项目。使用 Roof 之后,应用的可维护性、可扩展性将得到大幅提升。
Interfunction and interclass communication library
a super lightweight web framework featuring prototype mixin support and routing
test harness for minq queries
native graphic library in JavaScript
A well-tested, boilerplate for developing new internet projects.
Round numbers to the nearest increment with an optional direction
Simple routing library
Shape new things.
Coffeescript friendly css selector based templating
composable assertions
Reruns the given file whenever a file in the current working dir subtree is changed.
check if a process is running
The ultimate solution of writing asyncronous code in a beautiful way.
X-Clacks-Overhead header plugin for Hapi.js apps
A bindings engine for rendering HTML or creating DOM nodes directly
Starting from version 0.4.0 safejs implements almost all functions of Async and can transparently replace it. For asyncjs functions library adds its error trap capabilities and also contain some optimizations and speed i
Incremental backup system for NodeJS applications
Run CLI commands and return output as string
Cart Widget turning any Site into Shop
Twitter client like Vim
State And Logic Traversal, for today's infinite-application.
The opposite of diff
A framework based on grains (modules)
Library for performing 2D collision detection
satellites programming language
Keep your package.json version requirements satisfied
A simple CRUD based persistence abstraction for storing objects to any backend data store. eg. Memory, MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, Postgres, Punch Card etc.
Backup and restore native Arrays and Objects to/from Redis in realtime
actually working file tree watching library
TTS (Text To Speech) Module for Node.js
A load balancer
Scene is a simple but powerful property interpolation class for creating (CSS) animation and parallax effects.
cli helper that downloads nodeschool modules
Scientific and statistical computing in JavaScript.
Carefully refactor critical paths in production
Text-based musical score parser for Node.js
Create a screen to track relative positions
An object pool focused on ease of use and resiliency
faster 'ack' written with nodejs
CSON utilities
Build React components with server-only data requirements, then rehydrate them on the client to provide interactivity and event bindings.
- You can visit the sample site directly. - Or run
npx secret
in the command-line.
Section is a static site generator for Node.js built on top of Grunt.
Grep inspired tool to find references inside JavaScript files.
Storage-agnostic, event emitting datasets: schemas, models, hashes, and graphs.
More to come...
seen.js is a library for drawing simple 3D scenes in SVG and HTML5 Canvas elements.
Monadic Virtual Dom Rendering Engine
Programmatically select the text of a HTML element
DOM selection manipulation
Cross-browser text selection made simple
Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET support
Basic functions to help you get the most of JavaScript dashboards on the Sense Platform.
Simplified HTTP/HTTPS upload requests
assertions as sentences
Separate a string at the specified indicies
Compose a series of chainable async methods
A serious JavaScript Library with data structures and algorithms
Static file serving and directory listing
Make init.d scripts for node apps
A library for working with Sets and arrays as sets.
Simple settings
Express/Connect middleware that serves local or remote static files
packaging tools
a file system data store using SHA1 keys
Node Front-end automation test framework
Deployment tool for node
Unix CLI and REPL for invoking shell scripts or commands with multiple POSIX-like shells for portability testing.
Object/Array shallow copy
Simple 2D shape generators
A database for concurrent document editing
High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images
add brackets for sheme code
HTTP Proxy server that uses Seaport as routing table
Placeholder package for SheetJS
Database for Frontend Developers
Get a list of all unix shells for which user configuration files exist. Supports bash, zsh, and fish.
run a process which requires a prompted password, and auto-respawn it when it crashes
a rich flash message middleware for connect
multi-platform deployment with node
Simple algebraic data types for javascript
streaming sockjs for node and the browser
Take pictures on mobile phones or just pick one on a desktop.
A front-end web framework built on browserify and react.
Node.js URL Shortener backed by Mongoose.js
Node.js module to very quickly (de)compress short strings. Uses the SIMD-powered entropy encoding features of shoco.
Injects a fake HTTP request/response into a node HTTP server
test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
Automatically find dependent projects for the specified package.
The self-hosted Web IRC client
serve current directory including bower dependencies
Shut UI Framework
app engine
A small (2.29 KB) "safe" program interfaces for JavaScript. Yes, safe is in quotes.
Provide vision into a running instance of node
A universal javascript library for signing strings to avoid tampering
An evented semaphore.
Silence your videos into high quality animated images
Be a silent, static blog
Silk SDK
A silly DOM library built for the heck of it.
compare the similarity of two string
A naive Node.js clone of Python's simpleHttpServer
Simple web development tool
NodeJS Util function for ascertaining Deltas (Time Since X getTime())!
Youtube mp3 downloader
synchronous require for browsers
Untangle async code
Event manager.
A node.js library for micro service based on node-di.
Conveniently write status updates to a stream.
JavaScript you can bet on.
output human readable size of stdin
Tightly coupled, non-MVC framework for prototyping
A markdown static site generator.
seamlessly create long-running child processes
Add sleep() and usleep() to nodejs
A flow control lib small enough to fit on in a slide presentation. Derived live at Oak.JS
Fast, lightweight and dependency-free HTTP server framework designed for APIs, similar to Express.
A very very very lightweight modular lightbox.
A Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) library that runs in Node.js and the browser.
Slope is a small, functional reactive programming (FRP) library.
rate-limit an async function
A tool to bundle commonjs files. Designed to produce the smallest file size possible.
smaller image
Get the smallest number in a list
Smelly log emissions
Rapid frontend development framework for enterprise web application
Simple yet powerful file-based mock server with recording abilities
Code driven CMS powered by GraphQL & React.
2D Maze solver
So, the most straightforward coroutine library for everyday use
A minimal node SOAP client
Multi-platform Social Client for Node
A simple, server-less, micro-services framework that uses object patterns to send messages to an appropriate server.
sliding buffer transform stream
A lightweight key-value store for node.js
minimal static site generator
All guns blazing
Make small, simple sites
An animation library for different types of liquids.
Recursively converts asynchronous data into static data.
Randomize functions for arrays and strings
Parse/stringify contact info like Sindre Sorhus <sindresorhus@gmail.com> (sindresorhus.com)
make infographics without thinking
like Array.prototype.some but returning the first non falsy value obtained
create calendar-based dataviz easily
Small in-memory database for Node.js that persists on disk
Pure json CSS precompiler
Sing songs with festival
Coming soon package generator
Sort DOM elements
Make sure your data is sound! Validation and conversion library for Node.js.
Grab all of the source files from a package
A lightweight language for objects
A repo of i18n data available to any programming language that can read JSON
special install css
Asynchronous genetic programming framework in Node
Ultra-tiny path resolution
Speech / Language tools
the project is under construction
javascript dictionary module for node.js, and the browser
Create simple Bitcoin / Testnet transactions for integration testing with the actual network.
Programmable spidering of web sites with node.js and jQuery
spin.js spinner component
extensible web library for building applications & frameworks
split a Text Stream into a Line Stream
JavaScript Web API for Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text.
A Web Framework
Use Square APIs to manage and run business including payment, customer, product, inventory, and employee management.
Organize your application's steps into stairs.
Azure Storage Tables Object Document Mapper
JavaScript Standard Style
A STock Analysis and Research tool for terminal users.
Highly composable and modular Nodejs tasks runner for the new functional JS era
First-class states
Simple State Machine
a real-time web i/o reporting application built with hook.io
Persistent scuttlebutt instances for browser and node
A module to do some logic on the onscroll
event without performance regressions in a @media-query like conditions.
Lets you interface with Steam without running an actual Steam client
The steel controller module
Tea timer from your CLI
Common services and utilities used with the Yeoman generator: generator-stems
A simple control-flow library for node.JS that makes parallel execution, serial execution, and error handling painless.
security holding package
JSGI based webapp framework
Basic logic for immutable objects
A static site generator built with node.js
A fast and efficient Node.js storage engine for stock market tick data and couple of modules for trading software development.
Digest strings, nodes and selectors into a dom element.
Stone is a unique static server that can be used during development, deployment and runtime.
Make a dynamic website static by downloading it.
A localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
StormJS is an application platform using a virtual kernel architecture.
Story is a microframework for universal SPAs with React.
Module to get rid of unnecessary nested functions.
Range aka interval object. Supports exclusive and infinite ranges. Comes with an interval tree (augmented binary search tree).
A visual regression testing framework for node.js
Realtime processing framework
Node.js streams in the browser
Smart Uploader for S3 buckets.
Quick and dirty password strength evaluation
Stretch out the contents of an array like a rubber band
Modular bash using require(3) for *NIX systems
string contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla JavaScript string such as escaping html, decoding html entities, stripping tags, etc.
Strip HTML Tags
Strong i18n for Express.js-based applications
Simple event-driven, extendable objects
A simple schema/attributes library built on top of modern JavaScript
Make all values on the current stack available
Builder-function based object inheritance chain.
Substance is a JavaScript library for web-based content editing. It provides building blocks for realizing custom text editors and web-based publishing system. It is developed to power our online editing platform Substance.
Success/failure handler for Node.js callbacks
Succesful test completion
CLI that understands generic names
A high-level API framework built on top of express
The tools that power Suddenly apps
A Javascript utility library for working with native objects.
Print out suggested queries from Google
Super simple object validation.
text summarization utility
A very simple straightforward IOC/DI container
Tiny little VDOM node helper for Preact
Node.js wrapper library for the Sunlight Labs API
Yet another supervisor program for running nodejs programs
Supply your library with plugin and middleware management
A toolkit for node.js
Automate command line programs. Like UNIX expect.
Asks you if you are sure. If you are not, it will return an error code. Is useful in scripts where you want a confirmation before executing.
A tiny middleware of RESTful API for koa.
Sweet Disposition: Interoperable Content-Disposistion headers
Gossip protocol based on SWIM
A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
Count syllables in English words
ES6 Symbols in your ES5.
Flexible module and resource system
Formats data into a string table.
tail a file in node
Run tests on various versions of node.js/io.js using give
Not your mother's FRP framework
Tales about how to write programs
Abstract the way your node appications talk to each other so you can implement what ever protocol you want (http, sockets etc) with the same interface
Promise-based, No-dependency URL unshortner (expander) module for Node.js
mustang cli
tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
Run tasks.
Wrapper around testing libraries used by GetHuman
simple node.js build tool
Common object utilities.
Teaching tool
Spell checking for Node.js
team management
Like that Lada Gaga song except it is p2p chat over udp.
Experimental view library.
Promise-based web library
A collection of simple temperature operations
Unleash the force of your terminal
Debug with added sugar
(Un)CommonJS test runner.
Make everything asynchronous !
Advanced Node.js framework featuring Evented Evolution Engine, Seamless State Sharing, and Plugin-optimized Operation
Micro-utility to shift the this
context parameter of functions into the first regular parameter position.
Easier node require
Flexible, composable, monadic futures / promises for javascript
Abstraction layer for server side and client side JavaScript.
meanwhile call it stuff
A JavaScript library intended for lightweight and controlled error handling.
Framework for producing one-page client websites (no server)
HTTP/HTTPS debugging proxy
Command line all the things!
Think is a small puzzle game. Still needs a lot of work
Lightweight extensions that makes AWS Lambda functions easy to develop, testable and type safe.
Traverses up the directory tree and returns the first module found
Function bind helper
A customizable documentation generator for github projects
thousand bit identifier | 千位符
Threads for node
JavaScript 3D library
Throttle the parallelism of an asynchronous (promise returning) function / functions
simplified stream construction
apply a through stream to the output side of another through stream
A simple utility that helps throw exceptions.
Generic Error Handler
Create a JavaScript scope in which the enclosing function's first argument is referred to as `this'
Allows for instance-based data storage of thy data
A Flux-like State Management Library for React by your friends at Tictail.
A simple templating engine that has no special syntax.
Tiny JavaScript utilities for Node.js and browsers
Client library for Till, a cache server.
"time.h" bindings for Node.js
Easily manage NPM, component, and bower package files.
An in-process key-value store
Simple Tip plugin
Helper for building REST clients for existing APIs
Capitalize your titles properly
load/convert between xml,json,yaml formats
Juuust Vue Icon, Automation workflow with Figma
A modern Agenda
Bring things together for html
Logging for Node
Predict anonymous visitors tomorrow based on anonymous visitors today and -beyond
A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
Helps writing JavaScript code in any supported language
Combine multiple processes' Stdout/Stderr/SIGINT to keep them all foreground
Easily log how long your function took to call back: wrap it in a took!
Build tools
Taobao Open API Client.
subscribe and publish your business.
A Typescript wrapper for the Torn API
Expansible cli that computes the stdin
like touch(1) in node
element position states, simplified
Small components for building apps, manipulating data, and managing a distributed infrastructure.
2D game engine
Creates super long stack traces
A JavaScript backtesting library to validate trading strategies for stocks, futures, crypto currencies etc. based on historical data.
Web automation DSL using selenium backend.
Train a fast (FIFO) queue with a rollback mechanism. Behind the scenes it uses 2 arrays to simulate and perform fast shifting and popping operations without using the Array#shift() method..
Import GTFS into a semantic model
A simpler way to test your code.
Javascript-based CRUD ORM for varied sources
A JavaScript library for creating and manipulating hierarchical tree structures.
Triangle ########
Tribe is a platform for building rich, powerful, highly scalable distributed HTML5 web and mobile systems.
The minimalist's task runner.
visualizer for topical
JSON Object Literal Validation
MongoDB backup to S3
Dependency solver / container. Works great with koa.
The only data store that tells the truth about your current state.
Async try / catch
Experimental Resource Loader implementing using Server Sent Events
Tune up baudio
minimal modules for a hypothetical es6 with lua's return
Utilities to assist in building 12Factor apps
Locates the city/region of a given IP address
Streaming client specifically designed for the Twitter streaming API
Runtime validation and processing of JavaScript types
Isomorphic, functional type-checking for Javascript
Fast reverse HTTP proxy with load balancing and queue support.
Bound underscore functions
A hybrid buffered / streaming middleware kernel backwards compatible with connect.
The JavaScript unit testing framework for perfectionists
The fastest way to query and explore multivariate datasets
A TypeScript utility library for interacting with the 'unknown' type.
A JavaScript implementation of the Ruby unless
conditional flow structure.
An event collector of nodejs' EventEmitter
varied reference frame
File uploader using websockets and the filereader web api
The front-end library for modern boys and girls
A package for easily working with US and state metadata
Easily add plugin support to your node.js application.
A collection of useful utils for server and client side
A namespace solution
Very usual base model and collection for javascript
Prints Usage For Node.JS Command-Line Applications.
Functional and lightweight data validation
An immutable data store for React
Convenient type-checking in JavaScript
Lightweight Steam client framework for node.js
A tiny JavaScript library for working with random values
VariousJS =======
Vast is a simple state utility created to use in Vest. It allows using a similar pattern to React's useState hook to store data.
Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript based front-end framework to help you create sleek and intuitive web applications fast and easily.
very is a micro-library for wiring events to elements.
multiplatform application development framework
Data viz for React
A View engine
Package reserved
Visits a URL using phantomjs, loads the page, runs the CJS scripts and collects the results.
walk and transform ASTs with references to parent nodes
Generate musical voices with FM synthesis.
Carefree management of your device volumes.
a function package
tiny library for working with vowels
Advanced HTTP Routing System for Node.js
state management solution for Javascript applications
Wait is a promise wrapped setTimeout. That's it. Use it for a nicer delay interface.
A node port of python's os.walk
Express inspired event-driven architecture.
Use objects and function from any plain JS files in your Node Program.
It's like cucumber for JavaScript
warm up node modules before using
A JSHint configuration / management tool.
WebAssembly assembler JavaScript (libwabt.js) wrapper
a safe template rendering engine
⏲ Waste time
Utilities for watching file trees.
Wave Gadget API implementation
Simple, Standalone/Connect/Express routes
We.js CLI
Make weak references to JavaScript Objects.
A full-featured money library
Deprecated package, use [ https://grumpy.js.org ]
An easy way to fetch the weather.
Get the current week number.
A command line tool to check the bundle size of any browser compatible npm module
weight tells you the memory usage and loading time of your module
auth and acl utility
A fast, elegant, flexible Promises/A+ implementation.
a function package
Grabbing metadata from webpages
whale makes docker easier to use
utility callback to help determine function parameters in poorly documented libraries
the premier task runner for node point javascript
Mouse wheel event unified for all browsers
A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
Delay loading of any Node.js module until whenever really needed.
Geographical utilities for location-based Node.js applications
Tiny nodejs web server
identify file type by file magic numbers.
Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.
Random joi validation shortcuts
HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
Whitespace processor for finn
A behavior driven JS library
Who are the people making dwyl?
generators and promises and callbacks, oh my
A multi-transport async logging library for Node.js
Generate regexp by wildcard string
Flexible futures
Create WIN projects, run locally, or publish them to the web.
Wind.js is an advanced library which enable us to control flow with plain JavaScript for asynchronous programming (and more) without additional pre-compiling steps.
Exports a jsdom window object.
Socket.io on wings
Dependency injection that doesn't require you to change your code
Wire is an experimental toolkit for building apps. It aims to make build feel more like this:
A realtime node.js framework based on Socket.io and Redis
Assertions without special syntax
Compile time with
for strict mode JavaScript
Fixed/sticky elements within other elements
Yet another CoffeScript template (without with
, coffescript and templates)
Run wolfram alpha queries from the command line.
rang wo men dang qi shuang jiang, xiao chuan er tui kai bo lang.
UI kit for Stylus
A bunch of nice words and phrases to describe someone!
Logging library
use markdown to build a static web page
Test some idea about event/log based datastorage, CQRS and fancy stuff.
Word Processing Document library
Isomorphic, async iterable command queue
Dual-paradigm parallelization API for both node.js and the browser
Retrieve country information from local system.
rfc6455 websocket implementation
be worth doing sth
consistent interface for
Write data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists and creating any intermediate directories if they don't already exist. Thin wrapper around node's native fs methods.
[![Coding style](https://img.shields.io/badge/co
Written provides a set of utilities for manipulating text, with a focus on providing typographic tools rather than pure string manipulation.
Another JS object validator with focus on simplicity
Promise-based writing to filesystem for Node.js
Convert yard to cm, in and ft.
Simple utility to get the current year with 2 or 4 digits.
outputs 'y' over and over (or another string if you pass one)
A simple Redis cache
Yet framework package
amodule for lerning perpose
npm install --save yourself
youth package
Zero configuration web framework.
Renamed, see zebkit
Insanely simple zipfile creator for node.js
Cross-platform environment variables
Serve up static files piping them through scripts like a boss